Random trivia

You beat me two it. I was thinking along those same lines but could not be more specific than something to do with a deck of cards.
All those wasted hours spent sleeping.....then in the shower this morning....the sudden idea that the answer lies in currency....only to be wrong again......a depressing start to the day.

I guess Wasted155, as you got the last one, will have to furnish us with a new question.  I'm not showering until I get one right.
I guess Wasted155, as you got the last one, will have to furnish us with a new question.  I'm not showering until I get one right.

Um, hermits don't shower anyway, do they?  :bigsmile:
Hermits get a bad press.....sad victims of stereotyping.  The average hermit is as concerned with personal hygiene as the next person....though usually the next person generally refuses to stand down wind for some unfathomable reason.

I think Wasted is taking his time posting a question just to keep me out of the shower.......lucky the weather is still cool.
Wasted has been uncharacteristically quiet for a couple of days. There's something fishy going on here; I'm not blaming it on lack of showering either.
OK, my brain is dry and dusty, so I did some reading to find something-- back to flags: What is the only country that has a flag that is not square or rectangular?
Yeah, ok, that was super easy.

Please, someone toss something out there... i'll see if I can come up with a good one.
Here, try this one:

What other drug was created by the same chemist that created aspirin-- only 11 days apart for these two drugs.
Neato question.

Here's one for you all...

George, Andy, and Pat were soldiers in war.  The three of them had often fought but now were on the same side.  Unfortunately, tragedy chose this day to struck.  All three were killed.  Andy lay at the bottom of the pile.  Pat lay atop him.  George lay top of all.

To what am I referring with this riddle?
Did George have anything named after him? I'm thinking about the usual, like streets, monuments, aircraft carriers, cities, states...