Daily Song: Paschendale
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Remember, only a decent review will count towards the contest.
Today's song: Paschendale
Yesterday's song remains open for voting! You can find it here.
Perfection. Completely perfect in every way. Every single riff and every single note is part of telling a story complex and epic in scope, though truly infinitesimally small: the hopes and dreams and violent death of one man on one of the most horrific battlefields in human history. Personally moving to me, I think it's appropriate to append what Bruce said about Phantom to this track:
If you don't fucking like this song, you don't like Iron Maiden.
Absolutely nothing about this song is wrong. I even listened to the bit Yax told me, and I can't see it. It's part of a visual for me. I've always imagined a guy walking along the trenchline during the chorus, narrating the very-near end of his life. Nicko is the rumble of the guns in the distance; and closer when they splash into the muddy field. Steve's bass is the ever present stutter of the guns. The guitars are wailing shells and rapid-fire weapons and the sound of feet thudding on the duckboards.
Terrifying and awe inspiring. This one goes to 11.
Welcome to the Daily Vote Thread! Rules are here.
Remember, only a decent review will count towards the contest.
Today's song: Paschendale
Yesterday's song remains open for voting! You can find it here.
Perfection. Completely perfect in every way. Every single riff and every single note is part of telling a story complex and epic in scope, though truly infinitesimally small: the hopes and dreams and violent death of one man on one of the most horrific battlefields in human history. Personally moving to me, I think it's appropriate to append what Bruce said about Phantom to this track:
If you don't fucking like this song, you don't like Iron Maiden.
Absolutely nothing about this song is wrong. I even listened to the bit Yax told me, and I can't see it. It's part of a visual for me. I've always imagined a guy walking along the trenchline during the chorus, narrating the very-near end of his life. Nicko is the rumble of the guns in the distance; and closer when they splash into the muddy field. Steve's bass is the ever present stutter of the guns. The guitars are wailing shells and rapid-fire weapons and the sound of feet thudding on the duckboards.
Terrifying and awe inspiring. This one goes to 11.