
How good is Paschendale on a scale of 1-10?

  • Total voters
Re: Daily Song: Paschendale

9/10. It took me a while to appreciate this and it is growing on me. The lyrics do tell a sad story and the overall feel is epic, but it's not the best on the album.
Re: Daily Song: Paschendale

There is a big contrast between the two reviews preceding mine, and there is plenty of space in between for me to fit my view on the song.

However, I'm closer to the Minister's than to Albie's here. This song, to me, is a straight 10. Mainly because the lyrics and the music work so well together here, more than in most songs I've listened to. The contrasts in the music truly reflect the contrasts of war - from boredom, anxious waiting to fearing for one's life while "dodging shrapnel and barbed wire".

My favourite moments in the song? There are many. The very beginning is very captivating. The "cruelty has a human heart" part, and the part that follows and leads into the solos, even more so. Plus, Davey's solo is among his best on the album and H delivers one of his best solos ever.

However, the biggest goosebump moment in this song for me is when, towards the end, the chorus fades out and the lonely hi-hat taps its Morse signal once more, and then H taps this sad melody once again.

Re: Daily Song: Paschendale

SinisterMinisterX said:
57/10, but I'll vote 10 since that's the highest option.

Spectacular. Awesome. Stunning. The eighth, ninth, tenth and twelfth wonders of the world. Everyone should drop to their knees right now and thank Adrian Smith you were born at the right time to experience this song. Perfection beyond words.

The only Maiden song in all 15 albums that was so damn good, on the very first listen of the album I replayed it three times before finishing the rest of the album.

PFD is the pinnacle of human art and culture. It's all downhill from here. Up in Musician Heaven, Bach and Beethoven are kicking themselves in the ass for not writing it. Anecdotal evidence indicates that PFD has been known to cure blindness, teach unruly children to behave and if you give it enough time it'll even wash your car.
Great review :cheers:

I would say the same for my favorite song (HBTN).
Re: Daily Song: Paschendale


'Nuff said. 10/10
Re: Daily Song: Paschendale

Am I the only one who gave this song anything less than 9? (I gave it an 8)

I feel like the guy who gave Virus a 2 out of 10
Re: Daily Song: Paschendale

10/10... I have spouted on other threads about Paschendale. Greatest song ever. There has never been a piece of music that within 8 min 28 sec can have me alternately getting misty, pensive, and adrenalized to the point that I'm able to run through brick walls. This is the absolute pinnacle of Iron Maiden's, or any other band's catalogue. All three of the amigos rip out smoking solos, but Dave Murray's rates as my favorite Maiden solo ever. It moves me everytime I listen to it... he plays with such soul and feeling. Hail Paschendale.  :rocker:
Re: Daily Song: Paschendale

10. Absolutely stunning. Jaw dropping, it makes me stop and enter its unique scenario everytime. "Blood is falling like the rain, its crimson cloak unveils again.." this excerpt is anthemic. Fucking destroyer!!! :edmetal:
Re: Daily Song: Paschendale

What Jeffmetal said.

The first time I heard Rime on LAD, it put chills down my spine.  Nothing has felt like that until I heard PFD on DOTR, it does the exact same thing at that line Jeff quoted.  Amazing.  Strong.  Powerful.  You can feel the emotion, just as the Mariner could feel the rain falling, finally, you can sense what the soldier is feeling....  Far too amazing.

I remember the night I was driving home, after purchasing DOD, and I had to stop my truck along side the road to listen to the song properly.

Re: Daily Song: Paschendale

Everything that needs to be said about this song has already been said so I'm just going to give this a 10. One thing, even though it does deserve a 10, I don't seem to love is as much as the majority of you. There's more than a dozen songs that I like more and I don't think it's even the best off the album (that goes to Dance of Death).
I just really don't like this song. I think it is too long, overblown, doesn't relly have a hook and seems like a series of good ideas that doesn't coalesce. There are some interesting parts but I never find myself longing to hear Paschendale. I don't begrudge all of you who seem to think this is one of the top 3 Maiden songs. it simply doesn't work for me. From DoD i like Rainmaker, Face in the Sand, No More Lies and Dance of Death much better.
Habberdasher said:
I just really don't like this song. I think it is too long, overblown, doesn't relly have a hook and seems like a series of good ideas that doesn't coalesce. There are some interesting parts but I never find myself longing to hear Paschendale. I don't begrudge all of you who seem to think this is one of the top 3 Maiden songs. it simply doesn't work for me. From DoD i like Rainmaker, Face in the Sand, No More Lies and Dance of Death much better.
Well to each his own I guess.
The thing that annoys me mostly are the mystery voters (like the 2 in Powerslave, the 1 in Virus etc). If you really hate the song, but have a reason for it, I don't mind at all, but it's when you vote like that and don't say why is when it annoys me.
10/10, This is not just the best song on this album, it is without doubt one of Maiden's best songs ever, a sheer delight to listen to, wonderful stuff, Maiden at the top of their game.