Official thread for Final Frontier discussion

Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

MFU isn't too bad. Just another Maiden forum with Maiden fans discussing the same types of things we talk about on here. It's just not as active and fun as here. :)
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

Steve's a massive UFO fan. I wonder if he chose the title 'The Way the wild wind blows' subconsciously.

Obviously Maidens song of the same name is better.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

I'm talking about....five, six years ago. We actually had a big scrap with them once, or someone.....I can't remember. Anyway, Mav posted an epic thread making fun of some idiots, and they went elsewhere, and slagged us all over the Internet.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
MFU isn't too bad. Just another Maiden forum with Maiden fans discussing the same types of things we talk about on here. It's just not as active and fun as here. :)

Travis, you just don't know what you're talking about. :(
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

Nobody on that forum seems to even like the new album. Little fuckers. I hope they all get raped by gorillas.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
MFU isn't too bad. Just another Maiden forum with Maiden fans discussing the same types of things we talk about on here. It's just not as active and fun as here. :)

Most of them at MFU seem to be pretty immature. I guess they seem that way because I'm a regular user here, the most mature Maiden site around  ;)
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

That's not very mean. A gorilla's penis is the size of a peanut.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

LooseCannon said:
That's not very mean. A gorilla's penis is the size of a peanut.

A walrus. Is that better?  :lol:
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

Mandingo on those twats asses. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah...
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

I hate to even mention that forum on here, but I used to be a member there, and it was just a really disgusting place. It's run by kids, who are just completely immature and talk like a bunch of rotten bastards. I got banned twice because I was posting pictures of vaginas there. Fuck it.  :yey:
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

To be fair, if you were posting some pictures of vaginas here, you'd get warned and probably banned eventually. Just one of the rules.

Anyway, I've always found it best to ignore the other Maiden forums out there, including the official one when it wants to be free. Fact of the matter is that a lot of people who like Maiden and can find a fanforum are idiots.

HallowedBeMyName said:
Just poking fun  :lol:

And I'm not a zoologist, but I did see it on a talkshow some night. Besides, among my circle of friends, it's perfectly natural to have a discussion about things like animal genitalia in a mature manner.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

LooseCannon said:
To be fair, if you were posting some pictures of vaginas here, you'd get warned and probably banned eventually. Just one of the rules.

Anyway, I've always found it best to ignore the other Maiden forums out there, including the official one when it wants to be free. Fact of the matter is that a lot of people who like Maiden and can find a fanforum are idiots.

And I'm not a zoologist, but I did see it on a talkshow some night. Besides, among my circle of friends, it's perfectly natural to have a discussion about things like animal genitalia in a mature manner.

I was posting those pictures the day the album leaked because everybody was acting really stupid... so that was my goodbye to them. I wouldn't pull that shit here  :)
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

LooseCannon said:
And I'm not a zoologist, but I did see it on a talkshow some night. Besides, among my circle of friends, it's perfectly natural to have a discussion about things like animal genitalia in a mature manner.

I know. Just fun to be immature every once in a while eh?
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

See if someone is going to drill a hole in the fence and say "Here, look at this", I'm going to look. If I don't like what I see, I'm going to hop over with my Maiden infantry.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

That Hidden_DICKtator guy is saying how everything post-SSOASS is simplistic. He obviously knows nothing about Iron Maiden. You destroyed him with your Maiden knowledge, MaidenLord  :smartarse:
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

Wow, it must suck to have shit for brains.