Official thread for Final Frontier discussion

Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

LooseCannon said:
Wow, it must suck to have shit for brains.

He obviously can't interpret The Talisman, Paschendale, WTWWB, or anything that's not 80's. He should actually listen to the 2000 albums before making such ridiculous claims.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

HallowedBeMyName said:
That Hidden_DICKtator guy is saying how everything post-SSOASS is simplistic. He obviously knows nothing about Iron Maiden. You destroyed him with your Maiden knowledge, MaidenLord  :smartarse:

He has actually LISTENED to A Matter of Life and Death, hasn't he???  :blink:
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

Fucking wow. I'm going to go play my PS3 or something. That guy is so not a challenge.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

He actually called Iron Maiden mainstream metal. I never knew there existed such a thing  -_- Yes, because I hear Maiden on the radio ALL the time....
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

There's a certain point to that. If there's a metal band that's more commercially successful than Iron Maiden, I'd love to see it. The difference, of course, is that being a successful, popular metal band still doesn't make you successful or popular compared to pop acts. He probably just likes to jack off to Cannibal Corpse and think he's speshul.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

LooseCannon said:
There's a certain point to that. If there's a metal band that's more commercially successful than Iron Maiden, I'd love to see it. The difference, of course, is that being a successful, popular metal band still doesn't make you successful or popular compared to pop acts. He probably just likes to jack off to Cannibal Corpse and think he's speshul.

Well, he says he's a black/death metal fan, and even then he's questioning Bruce's and Blaze's vocal abilities. He needs to seek help.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

Well, I wouldn't say that. I would humbly suggest he should go talk about music he likes. You don't see me going into a Sepultura thread to slag on them because I don't like them much. My problem with someone like that is not that they have an opinion, but that they have to push the negative on people.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

Yes. Instead of cares for what he claims to love, he nurture the hatred on what doesn't fits him. A loser in life 'cos it extends into all aspects of life.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

LooseCannon said:
Well, I wouldn't say that. I would humbly suggest he should go talk about music he likes. You don't see me going into a Sepultura thread to slag on them because I don't like them much. My problem with someone like that is not that they have an opinion, but that they have to push the negative on people.

You see, we've tried that countless times, I try to be mature, but he continues to call us fan boys without providing any reason as to why he "hates" Maiden.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

Exactly! And again...if you come here and hold that opinion, don't be surprised when people firmly but politely ask you to re-evaluate it. Much as I did with...whoever...and VXI. The most I can ask for is an open mind.

HallowedBeMyName said:
You see, we've tried that countless times, I try to be mature, but he continues to call us fan boys without providing any reason as to why he "hates" Maiden.

Well, he's welcome to his opinion.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

My personal opinion is that someone who would go to all the trouble to create an account on a forum for a band he hates just to bash them is extremely pathetic. Just my two cents.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

ToAshesHisGrave said:
My personal opinion is that someone who would go to all the trouble to create an account on a forum for a band he hates just to bash them is extremely pathetic. Just my two cents.

Wait, who exactly are you referring to?
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

Guys don't try to teach something to an idiot. Leave them alone. Leave them alone because they should live their idiotic life. Intelligence is a difference. So we are different. Don't try to make them smart. We can't fix all the problems in the world.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

Trying to get back on topic:

About WTWWB:
The thing I don't like about the song is that after the quite intro, it loads you right away with Bruce's powerful, belting it out singing which is wonderfully amazing, but then the 2nd and 3rd vocal parts have his simpler, kind of boring singing. And because of that, I don't see why people love that song as much as they do. I would think that Bruce's somewhat boring style of singing would ruin the song for some. I wish it was mixed up a bit more. Also, that Afraid To Shoot Strangers type harmonic part repeats too many times. On the last one, I'm kind of bored with it. At the same time, it doesn't stop me from listening the the full song because I still enjoy it as a whole.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

Well, he's gone now. He coward away when Puto, LordMaiden, and I were making some good points. He just called us "Douchebag retards" and left.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

ToAshesHisGrave said:
My personal opinion is that someone who would go to all the trouble to create an account on a forum for a band he hates just to bash them is extremely pathetic. Just my two cents.
                                                                                                               That's kind of funny considering I did the exact opposite.
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

Too bad Dictator didn't have any good arguments or rebuttals. Oh well, we should get back on topic  :bigsmile:
Re: Official thread for Final Frontier discussion (Spoilers inside)

Well, I think you're a little crazy to feel that way. The thing that makes the song brilliant - at least from my point of view - is how different it sounds. Bruce's voice isn't high pitched; he uses more subtle nuance to tell the story. It's really more of a story being told than a song being sung. The music itself, as I have said, is more simplistic, but that's because you're really supposed to listen to the tale and let yourself get pulled into it. Imagine it.