Official Star Wars Thread

The big, big question for me now is:

Will the next film mirror Episode V? I very much like what they did with The Force Awakens, but once the novelty of parallels with the original trilogy has worn out, I think it could become very tired to stretch that out across two more films. Either they'll go a completely different way altogether in the next installment, I suspect, or they'll continue a little way with following a similar plot to the originals, but with a major twist.

Rey was a much better hero than I expected. And, at last - potentially a female Jedi central character ftw.
The big, big question for me now is:

Rey was a much better hero than I expected. And, at last - potentially a female Jedi central character ftw.

I agree, Rey was awesome.

Probably going to see the movie again this Thursday.
The big, big question for me now is:

Will the next film mirror Episode V? I very much like what they did with The Force Awakens, but once the novelty of parallels with the original trilogy has worn out, I think it could become very tired to stretch that out across two more films. Either they'll go a completely different way altogether in the next installment, I suspect, or they'll continue a little way with following a similar plot to the originals, but with a major twist.

Rey was a much better hero than I expected. And, at last - potentially a female Jedi central character ftw.
Yes this is what I've been wondering too. I think they know better than to mirror the OT completely, but I'm ok with some connections here and there as long as it makes sense. Logically it should be less as the trilogy goes on, similar to how the prequels had more connections to the OT with each movie. Rae is obviously going on a similar Hero's Journey as Luke did, but she's a completely different character with different motivations and hopefully her arc will therefore be completely different. Also with the effort they put into distinguishing Kylo Ren from Vader, I hope his story is completely different as well. I don't think a redemption story would be a satisfying conclusion.

Mirroring A New Hope is a good way to get everything going, as it's a pretty basic story in the first place, but from here they can do something else. They don't have to do something super crazy or experimental, it'd be silly to expect that, but they can surely tell a different story from the OT.
I've seen speculation Rey could be a Skywalker, with the ancestry reveal in the next movie to parallel Ep. V.

I'm hoping it's something much better than that.
I don't mind if she's a Skywalker, it would make sense, but I hope they continue the trend of revealing information like this more naturally. Similar to how they revealed Kylo Ren is Han's son. Darth Vader being Luke's father is a complete twist that you wouldn't be able to predict without a total shot in the dark having just seen IV. There are already hints pointing to Rae being Luke's daughter and it wouldn't be surprised at all. It doesn't need a big reveal moment.

If it was up to me though, Rae wouldn't be related to Luke. Having one character related to the originals is enough IMO.
I wouldn't be surprised if she proves to by Kylo's twin sister. It's entirely possible.
Not really, Kylo is around 10 years older. (Of course I mean the character, not actor.)
It's still possible she's Luke's. I guess I would be ok with that, but I would prefer if they came up with something less obvious...
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George Lucas has retracted his "white slavers" comment about Disney...

“I want to clarify my interview on the Charlie Rose Show. It was for the Kennedy Center Honors and conducted prior to the premiere of the film. I misspoke and used a very inappropriate analogy and for that I apologize. I have been working with Disney for 40 years and chose them as the custodians of Star Wars because of my great respect for the company and Bob Iger’s leadership. Disney is doing an incredible job of taking care of and expanding the franchise. I rarely go out with statements to clarify my feelings, but I feel it is important to make it clear that I am thrilled that Disney has the franchise and is moving it in such exciting directions in film, television and the parks. Most of all I’m blown away with the record breaking blockbuster success of the new movie and am very proud of JJ [Abrams] and Kathy [Kennedy].”

Looks to me like this was written by Disney PR. It appears Lucas included his balls in the sale of Lucasfilm.
Looks to me like this was written by Disney PR. It appears Lucas included his balls in the sale of Lucasfilm.

Not necessarily Disney PR, but definitely a lawyer and PR person somewhere. Considering George is flush $4.1B for Star Wars, he can afford some good ones.
He did have one fair point in that interview:
“They wanted to do a retro movie,” he continued. “I don’t like that. Every movie, I worked very hard to make them different, make them completely different with different planets, different spaceships, to make it new.”

I can't believe I'm going to point to the Phantom Menace for having a quality that beats The Force Awakens, but Naboo and Coruscant are brilliantly designed planets. Removing the stigma of the prequels and the memories of the dull sequences that took place on these planets, they were new but still fit in with the planets from the OT. Same with the space ships, logic of having fighter ships on a peaceful planet aside, I love the sleek designs of the Naboo fighters. The Force Awakens didn't really have any of this. It wasn't nearly as inventive when it came to the world building aspect of Star Wars. Same ships with different designs and same planets with different names. Obviously I'm going to care more about interesting story, engaging action sequences, and actual characters but I hope this is something they get a bit more creative with going forward.

BTW, I listened to the TFA score today and I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I was surprised at how easily I was able to visualize the scenes in my head as I listened after only two viewings. I was also surprised at how little it relied on the old themes. A pretty big chunk of it is brand new music, much more than it seems when watching the movie. It has that classic John Williams feel but it seems like he's trying some new things too, especially with some of the piano parts.
Same ships with different designs
Lucas himself went into this direction as the series evolved; I think the ships we saw in The Force Awakens are logical leaps forward compared to the ones we saw in Return of the Jedi, which were, themselves, logical leaps forward from the vessels we saw in Revenge of the Sith. The Naboo Starfighters were designed specifically to be different from anything we had ever seen, to give us the impression that Naboo was new - but also to give the long lasting impression that Naboo loses. Just like the Trade Federation loses. It's another tool that would have felt more significant in the hands of a better storyteller.

I will agree that Naboo was a lovely new world to explore visually, and conceptually it was wonderful. Coruscant was not exactly Lucas's idea (first being seen in much the same form in the novels) originally, but he did a good job bringing it to life, and making it feel real. The Phantom Menace is really a gorgeous looking movie in most scenes, with the exception of CGI Gungan City. Really, the conceptual work in all of the prequels was good. That wasn't the failings of the films at all.
The worst thing about the ships in Star Wars is that some of them are depicted flying in a planetary atmosphere. There's no way that the Millenium Falcon or a Tie Fighter could fly in an atmosphere. They're not remotely aerodynamic!

Posted by @Forostar .. seemed appropriate here too