my favorite moment is when and how the Falcon Millenium is made to appear - it actually moved me more than Han and Chewie's first appearance... funny how one can be moved by an object!
The various hints to the first trilogy (IV V VI) are, once again, well proportioned in my opinion and, as a musician, I particularly enjoyed the house band in the pub/castle.
As far as the actors are concerned, I have particularly liked the ones playing Rey, Poe (whose looks seem to be coming straight from the 70s) and, to a lesser degree, Finn. I am not as convinced by the one playing Kylo Ren - though I didn't expect his killing of Han Solo, which is a good thing. Not only do I hope those two will grow on me but I also think they are going to be made "deeper" in future episodes. As regards the actors from the first trilogy, Ford does a good job (unsurpisingly; I particularly liked when he said "Ah! Fugitives" when he catches Finn and Rey - a wink to his own career?

), Carrie Fischer -whose eyes are still recognizable despite her facelift- does well too but she has never had a lot to do in the SW franchise, and the one playing C3PO has -I think- the funniest line in the film: "You may not recognize me because of my red arm" (or close to it).