Considering how heavily anchored in the African American experience some episodes of DS9 were...
The nineties were a different time, weren't they?
found it a little odd and jarring in episodes like Relics of TNG when they had a 1960s style bridge and they were presenting it as legit.
My problem isn't that it doesn't look antiquated compared to the Enterprise-D, my problem is that it looks antiquated compared to the current level of technology and expectations. They could have taken the bold risk of designing a "new-old Enterprise", which would have avoided the scene in Enterprise where the alternate universe crew found the Constitution-class USS Defiant and it looked like they took 50 steps down.I completely see where you're coming from, and there are a lot of negative examples of this. However - in this specific case, I think it looks like an accurate representation of the leaps in technology between TOS and TNG. There's, what, 70 years inbetween? You would think the original Enterprise would look as antiquated next to the Enterprise D as it does in the episode.