The Pilot
- As far as pilots are concerned and taking into consideration their limitations (that is, you need to introduce everything, you have lower budget, you don't have some things thought out yet etc), this was a good one. After all these years, I honestly
still am not all that crazy about that particular storyline (beauty marks and a vegetative boy), but it was handled very nicely - the viewer is not buried in exposition, you get to meet the characters and it definitely leaves you wanting more. There
are some pilot problems, though - in order to hammer in that scepticScully/believerMulder aspect, some of the dialogue is a wee bit heavy handed (Mulder jumps to "aliens!" almost
immediately - gee, let the gal cool down her body before you dump her in the icy water, okay?), but there's only so much you can do in your 50 minutes. I remember being seriously underwhelmed by the pilot when I watched the series for the first time in high school - I don't feel that anymore. It's good!
- With all the focus on atmosphere and suspense, the 90's feel (both in the cinematography itself, soundtrack, technology and fashion), the FBI protagonists and those woody woods of a forgotten corner of America, I couldn't help but to remember
Silence of the Lambs. And I mean that in a good way.
- That Scully's hysteria when she finds the mosquito bites does not fit her later characterisation too much, though, IMHO. Never noticed this before.
- Also, were they actually Losing Time?

Deep Throat
- A more "typical" UFO storyline (you know, Roosevelt, flying saucer, the whole nine yards), yet you get much less clichés than you'd probably expect. The episode is paced and written somewhat better, you can actually see the series getting "comfortable", if you know what I mean. I was expecting an explanation of those burns as well, yet they kept talking only about that psychic breakdown. Also, the first appearance of the ominous Men in Black
- They still seemed to care a bit too much about one of their "Level 2" agents, though
- However, I don't remember whether the title sequence gets updated in latter seasons, but I hope it does. My wife complained it looks rather amateurish and it's hard to disagree, actually. The main theme is awesome, of course, but those pictures... oh, well...
- Love the title shout-out and the character itself - need I remind you
All the President's Men is one of my favourite movies ever?
- The first Monster of the Week episode... and one of the most memorable, it would seem (everybody and their brother keep mentioning Toomes everywhere, so it's not just me). In fact, at first there were two episodes that I remembered from my childhood and late night watching (and wishing I didn't, since both scared me shitless) - this one and
Darkness Falls. Gee, that dude is
creepy. Those nests... (ick).
- My biggest complain would be probably the old cop - 1.) he is kind of a Deus ex machina, let's admit it, 2.) he definitely does not look old enough to be catching crooks in
Also, he might have made the connection, etc. but at least the identity of Toomes might have been found only by the Dynamic Duo, ammirite? "Yes, it's connected and yes, it's Toomes". Just kind of unnecessary, is all.