I recently started Doctor Who (from the new season one). I'm about halfway through season two and I'm still a bit on the fence. I actually preferred Eccleston to Tenant so far.

Eccleston is definitely better than Tennant. Matt Smith (season 5 onwards) is better than Eccleston. Smith also has better companion, and I think the writing is consistently better from season 5 onwards too.
Ecclestone is the tough guy Doctor. He did a good job because this series had flagged and become outdated - it was brought it back to prime time television on the back of Ecclestone's Doctor. Personally I prefer Tennant for the quirky stuff, though.
Tennant is definitely better at the comedic stuff, but it just seems like the tone is too quirky right now. I'm assuming that goes away? Plus, I'm really not enjoying how hard they are pushing the Rose/Doctor are in love storyline.
The romance storyline really grabbed the public's attention and was a major selling point ;) I wasn't a particular fan of that, I find a contrived romance storyline spoils a great many good television shows. But the ratings went through the roof. No, Tennant never loses the quirky thing. He's never quite as off-the-wall as his successor, Matt Smith, though. Tennant just dabbled with geek chic, Matt Smith went back to the oddball character. Mind you, I loved Tom Baker for being an oddball as The Doctor back in the day. As a kid, I was probably more scared by Tom Baker and his goggly eyes than any of the monsters and enemies.
I'm not sure it's necessarily Tenant's fault, as I like his quirkiness, it just feels like the writing got infinitely sillier with him on board. That episode with New Earth and the cat people and return of the stretchy human face? It was just SyFy Channel bad. I've heard that things get much better for the tone of the show when Matt Smith comes on board and I love Karen Gillan, so I'm excited to get to those seasons.
The franchise really took off with kids, I think that's why they went for more silliness. It was suddenly right at the heart of family entertainment. There were a lot of spin-off comics and toys and all sorts of merchandise. The BBC found themselves sitting on a goldmine.
Me and my 11 year old son are watching Wheel of Fortune on Challenge, we can't decide what's funniest, the prizes or the bad haircuts/clothing ha ha
Watching The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012).

Oh god, why. I heard these films were bad, but I could never imagine how bad until someone decided it was a good idea to show them on TV. If you've seen the CGI wolves in this, you'll have an entirely new reference frame for 'bad CGI'. And that's the least of the problems this film has...
Watching The Prestige (2006).

Nolan's masterpiece. Multi-layered narrative executed with uttermost skill that makes it a joy to rewatch, great acting from Bale, Jackman & Caine and with incredible atmospheric 'period piece' feel. And let us not forget David Bowie as Nikola Tesla.

I watched this yesterday. Really good movie! Tonight I'll be watching No Country For Old Men...
Watching The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (2012).

Oh god, why. I heard these films were bad, but I could never imagine how bad until someone decided it was a good idea to show them on TV. If you've seen the CGI wolves in this, you'll have an entirely new reference frame for 'bad CGI'. And that's the least of the problems this film has...

We got drunk and marathoned the Twilight series, and Breaking Dawn Part 2 is the worst of the worst. It's a fucking nightmare. The CGI is terrifyingly bad, but really, for me, the movie is mostly...boring.

Nothing happens. Even the final confrontation - and I don't give a fuck if people want spoilers - is a dream sequence used to threaten Michael Sheen. Literally nothing happens.

Except that a fully grown werewolf decides he is going to mate with an infant. That's in the source book too. And it's fucked right up. Never yelled at a movie so hard in my life.
Started the X-Files. Anyone seen it? Any good?

It's slow getting started simply due to some budget and FX contraints, but I love The X-Files. I'm following along with Fox's 201 Days (an episode a day) until the new series starts!

Check out - a tumblr account I started with screencaps of oddities I've found while watching the series in HD for the first time.

Be warned: there are some very, very bad episodes, especially in the first two seasons and the final two seasons, but they are generally mixed with some of the greatest episodes ever. The good episodes of Season 1/2 and most of 3-5 is some of the best television ever made.

I'd love to hear your thoughts as a first time viewer as you progress through the show!
It's slow getting started simply due to some budget and FX contraints, but I love The X-Files. I'm following along with Fox's 201 Days (an episode a day) until the new series starts!

Check out - a tumblr account I started with screencaps of oddities I've found while watching the series in HD for the first time.

Be warned: there are some very, very bad episodes, especially in the first two seasons and the final two seasons, but they are generally mixed with some of the greatest episodes ever. The good episodes of Season 1/2 and most of 3-5 is some of the best television ever made.

I'd love to hear your thoughts as a first time viewer as you progress through the show!

You forgot to add ".tumblr." to that link but cool page :ok:.

I'll be sure to add my thoughts as I progress.
Be warned: there are some very, very bad episodes, especially in the first two seasons

Really? Which ones are you thinking of, MrK? (Maybe use spoiler tags so you don't spoil anything for Saap). I thought Series 1 in particular was solid, although slightly slow at times if you're used to today's TV and films.