Saw Antman because I wanted to go to the cinema and nothing else was on at the time. I'm generally not a fan of superhero movies, especially if they have that "innocent family movie" style, but these aspects taken into account, it wasn't that bad. Full of cliches and hella predictable, but hey, the ants were really cool.
Saw Antman because I wanted to go to the cinema and nothing else was on at the time. I'm generally not a fan of superhero movies, especially if they have that "innocent family movie" style, but these aspects taken into account, it wasn't that bad. Full of cliches and hella predictable, but hey, the ants were really cool.

Just saw Ant Man as well, and I liked it far more than I thought I would. Would've liked to have seen Edgar Wright's movie, but it was still pretty cool.
I wasn't sure about seeing that one. The trailer was on when we went to see Terminator, and everyone sort of looked at each other and went 'was that a spoof'?
Just saw Ant Man as well, and I liked it far more than I thought I would. Would've liked to have seen Edgar Wright's movie, but it was still pretty cool.
He probably wouldn't have started filming yet if they waited for him. And he also didn't want any tie-ins with the other movies. So I'm glad he got sacked, even though I like 3 out of his 4 movies.
He probably wouldn't have started filming yet if they waited for him. And he also didn't want any tie-ins with the other movies. So I'm glad he got sacked, even though I like 3 out of his 4 movies.

Huh, I wasn't aware of that. He clearly wasn't right for the MCU, but I bet the movie would have still been pretty cool.
Yeah, really good show. Easy to get sucked into. I plowed through it pretty quickly
Well the Breaks between Walking Dead and Game of Thrones are so Big, i started 2 Days ago and gone thru season 1 in 2 days
I agree with season 2, I think Season 3 is getting bit more back to a season 1 vibe ... at least what I have seen so far

I just marathoned the third season and I agree that the show is getting its groove back. The writing is still messy though. (Proposed Orphan Black drinking game: every time a character double-crosses another, take a shot. See if you survive a season.)

As a biologist, I'll give it props for science-talk that isn't entirely cringeworthy.
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes

Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes
Even better.

Andy Serkis has to get an Oscar one day.
Watched Ender's Game (2013).

Orson Scott Card's Hugo Award-winning novel from 1985 is close to perfect for what it is, so this film had a lot to live up to. The overly complicated (or perhaps just badly done) opening does not exactly convince me to begin with, but as the film gets going it proves to be a rather faithful adaption of the novel. It does suffer from clichés, a good dose of cheesiness (for which it can be forgiven) and perhaps most of all a sense of missed oppurtunities to show Ender's specialness. We are told from the start that our protagonist is the last hope for humanity, but exactly what makes him that brilliant is never clear. He just is. (In the book, a lot of time is spent showing Ender outsmarting his fellow students at battle school, something which the film's running time of under 2 hours of course does not permit.) The third act is however spectacular and all the problems apparent earlier in the film are forgotten completely. (7/10)
Orson Scott Card's Hugo Award-winning novel from 1985 is close to perfect for what it is, so this film had a lot to live up to.
I saw the movie in theatres, and I liked it, but I found that as someone who hadn't read the book in over 2 decades (I read it when I was like 7, and not again since) it was hard in some places to keep up. In the end, probably would have been better as a mini series.
Saw Minions today. Was ok. I haven't seen any Despicable Me movies so I don't know how it stacks up but it was your average kids film. Don't know if it's worth going to the theaters for.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

I read the book years ago, and when the movie came out I watched it for 5 minutes and the idiotic changes it brought in that short span put me off of watching it whole. So yesterday I decided to see it in full finally and oh boy... I really liked the book. I know the premise is silly but it was very well done. Movie however cut out all the character development to make way for retarded green screen fights with horrible CGI. "Good" main characters were very well cast, villains were pretty bad and generic as fuck, which kinda makes sense considering the book didn't have specific villains, but rather the vampire species as a whole. It just seems to me like they didn't even try and make the movie good.
Just saw Straight Outta Compton. A pretty good, well-made biopic with decent performances and some powerful scenes. It came off feeling a bit one-sided (produced by Dre and Ice Cube, after all), but not as bad as I thought. It had actually had some heart to it.
I'm watching: The X-Files pilot episode!

Gonna watch all 9 seasons :)

New episodes next year :scared:

That's one of the best, actually. The whole of the first series is excellent. The second is good, too, but then I missed episodes in the third and the fourth and lost track of what was going on