I cared more about JW characters than MM. Every single character in MM is fucking crazy. I didn't care for any of them. Ending was disappointing tbh. Too many gross moments for my liking too.
Hmm. I didn't think either were amazing cinema, but MM has more elements that have/had the potential to appeal to me personally, regardless of execution e.g. it's set in some sort of dystopia. That said, I'm no action fan & find most action scenes/elements in films utterly forgettable. As a cinematic device, yes, action has it's function(s); but it serves a pretty low purpose. So, in this respect, I found quite a lot of MM quite boring. It also failed to really execute the film satisfactorily as one film; with too much of a mind to future instalments. It was okay, as you said.

JW on the other hand was pure Hollywood candy floss. I generally hate the feel of Spielberg productions and this was no exception; unoriginal, cliché-filled, family-action, sentimental crud. As a franchise reboot it certainly succeeded; so good for toy & theme park tick sales. As general something-to-do-this-evening-cinema it was also okay too; would have probably found it more enjoyable if I was ten years old though. Oh, & if I gave a fuck about dinosaurs. If they'd done some sort of virtual Dickie & brought back Goldblum I'd have probably have found it more amusing...

AoU... can't even remember. What happened in this one?
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Watched the first episodes of 3 Netflix shows today:

Sense 8 - some cool ideas, terrible writing, lack of character backstory, cringeworthy LGBT dialogue (1/5)

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - delightful and occasionally hilarious. It has the best opening 3 minutes I've ever seen in a comedy. Will definitely keep watching. (5/5)

Daredevil - Very slow, very dark, instantly engaging. Charlie Cox is great, the guy playing Foggy not so much. Interesting fight scenes. It's nice to have a Marvel property that is very visceral and character-based with little to no special effects. Will keep watching. (4/5)
I saw Captain Phillips the other day. It's a great film, but what struck me most was this: after watching it, I did some research and saw an interview with the real captain. It was like watching the same person. Tom Hanks absolutely nailed him. What an actor.
Trailer looked awesome though.

That's exactly why I watched it! But alas, not very good. My girlfriend kept watching it and she's on episode 4 or 5 and said, "They still haven't really said what's going on...I'm still confused." Sounds like Lost storytelling to me, which makes me very glad I quit.

Also has the catchiest theme song in a long, long time. And Ellie Kemper is awesome.

Yes she is! I was actually singing the theme song after only seeing one episode = that's catchy! Also, the way they fit the "creation" of the theme song into the show was just brilliant.

o_O Dunno what's wrong with him.

I'll have to watch more before I make a final decision. It just seemed like he was an amateur compared to the other actors. Even though he is the comic relief, it still felt like I was watching a rehearsal whenever he spoke.
Re-watched Jupiter Ascending (2015) on DVD last night.

Definitely understand if it's too much for some people, but I still think it's a great film. Absurd? Absolutely, and not afraid of taking itself seriously despite acknowledging that - but it does what it sets out to do very well.
Terminator Salvation. I hadn't seen this one all the way through before and thought I should catch up on the offchance I might go and see Terminator Genisys this week. It's not horrendous, but definitely suffers from franchise sickness - ie when they're carrying the story on for the sake of it but all the original charm has gone, as well as the original actors. It doesn't really have the feel of a Terminator movie, it's just another futuristic action movie.
Terminator Genisys. Aside from me being totally gutted by the lack of Phil Collins et al :innocent: this was better than I expected. It had a bit more of the character of the earlier Terminator films, T2 in particular, it was good to see the battle against the machines taking place in pre-apocalypse times once again, with more than just a few nods to the first film. Great to have Arnie back - they've come up with a way of explaining him looking older too. The stunts and action scenes are much more slick and modern.

But - and this is a big but - it's a far cry from the appeal of the first two films. They were playing it for laughs an awful lot, which was amusing, but you can't convincingly switch from this to the more gritty aspects of the plot, so it's a much more lightweight film all round. The plot, namely the timeline, is now getting exceptionally messed up. It's a shame Terminators really don't come across as anywhere near as scary or powerful as they once did, too.

Major spoilers ahead:
Emilia Clarke does very well as a tough younger Sarah Connor in a new timeline plot twist, where she was raised by a terminator, however, she's not a patch on Linda Hamilton's original Sarah Connor. She makes a lot of wisecracks, and looks bizarrely young for her age, which never quite fits the gravity of the role, even if this is essentially a different Sarah Connor to the one of the previous films.

Arnie as a her 'Pop', a Model 101 Terminator who has brought her up: still great to have Arnie back, and Sarah's attempts to make him act more human are fun, although he's really moving into self-parody territory here.

The biggest twists to this film are that John Connor becomes the villain, having being essentially been converted into a human terminator with extra-special new technology, and sent back in time to ensure Skynet is developed in the new timeline.

There are quite a few things left unexplained at the end of this film, which leave potential gaps to be filled in future films. Who actually sent The Terminator back to save Sarah from a T-1000 as a child? There's also an incidental character in this film who I could swear bleeds liquid metal at one point, suggesting he too is a Terminator.
Watching The Godfather.

If by some crazy chance someone here hasn't seen this movie they should of course do so immediately :)
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Yesterday's movie night:

Kingsman - The Secret Service
That was fucking awesome. One of the best action movies I've since in recent years. Cast is just great, I didn't really expect Colin Firth to be such a convincing action hero.

Crazy, Stupid, Love
I've seen this one already but it's been a while, so wanted to rewatch it. It's definitely one of my favorite movies. Fucking David Lindhagen.