Just saw Edge of Tomorrow and really, really enjoyed it. I was shocked, because I thought "ugh another Tom Cruise sci-fi movie" going into it...but it was vastly entertaining and quite interesting. I highly recommend it!
The newest episode of Game of Thrones was freaking disgusting.
The ending really shocked me. Such a bloody scene.
I had a glimmer of hope. I was thinking "Yes! He won! He beat The Mountain!" but his revenge got the best of him and that was his downfall. I actually screamed when it happened... I have named that the 2nd worst death scene in Game of Thrones. First being The Red Wedding... Those are the only 2 (so far) that upset me the most.
I had a glimmer of hope. I was thinking "Yes! He won! He beat The Mountain!" but his revenge got the best of him and that was his downfall. I actually screamed when it happened... I have named that the 2nd worst death scene in Game of Thrones. First being The Red Wedding... Those are the only 2 (so far) that upset me the most.

The Red Wedding was bad, came as a negative surprise as well, but no match for the reaction I got from Oberyn's death. He fought so well and spoke many great words but seeing him helpless under 200 kg of flesh and steel, getting his eyes gouged out and skull exploded...
I've seen many of brutal deaths in TV and movie but this one is hard to shake. Ugh! I think what upsets me the most is that he totally could have won! He practically did but....nope.[\spoiler]
Got a copy of The Mel Brooks Collection in the mail today -- some great movies

Young Frankenstein, Silent Movie, Blazing Saddles, Space Balls, To Be or Not To Be, High Anxiety, History of the World Pt 1, Robin Hood: Men in Tights (not great, but still okay), and Twelve Chairs (never saw this one)
Just watched this documentary about wolves and other wildlife returning to the exclusion zone around Chernobyl and apparently thriving.

Noteworthy watches of the past month or so:

Firefly/Serenity - Took me far longer than it should've to get around to watching, but I finally have. Very impressed with the show, Whedon doing a great job as always, it wasn't the best thing I've ever seen but it certainly showed a good deal of promise and possibly could have been up there with the best. Difficult to say with such a low number of episodes, and the fact I watched it in pretty much one-two days rather than the usual week by week basis, whilst the screen time may be the same it doesn't feel like I've known the characters as long so I am less involved in it. It was a very interesting concept that sounds like it shouldn't work but really does (Space Western), I only wish I could see where it was going. There wasn't really a big overall arc until the film, which I've read was loosely based on the season 2 arc but overall think probably worked better the way it was shown. Definitely something I will rewatch at some point.

Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles - After Arrow and Firefly I got somewhat curious what else Summer Glau had been in, and that led me to this! Previously whenever I'd seen the name I (no idea why) assumed it was animated so avoided it, but as above I was genuinely surprised and really enjoyed the show. Basically it's the same old Terminator story, Skynet sends someone back to kill John, John sends someone back to protect himself. The thing I was most impressed with is that they managed to add an awful lot of character/depth to something which is essentially an emotionless robot. Didn't feel as repetitive as I expected given the premise either, with frequent flash forwards to the post judgement-day war. The end of the show was really weird with quite a lot of threads still unresolved and yet utterly awesome at the same time, really left me wanting to know where it was going... and so incredibly gutted that it was cancelled! I think I'm going to have to rewatch now I know a bit of the ending because there were a few things that seemed a bit weird at the time, but likely make a whole lot more sense second time around.

Snowpiercer - Film starring Chris Evans (Cap. America, not the other guy), set in not too distant future. Concept is that in trying to stop global warming another ice-age was accidentally started, and now the only people on earth survive aboard a very long train running on perpetual motion that circles the globe, within which a class system has developed. Main character is in the tail end of the train, poor and downtrodden, so he leads a revolt to try and reach the engine and get some balance to the society. Overall it was a decent film but the ending felt a bit off to me, some interesting revelations throughout as well as some stuff that really didn't make sense, not quite sure what to make of it.
Firefly/Serenity - Took me far longer than it should've to get around to watching, but I finally have. Very impressed with the show, Whedon doing a great job as always, it wasn't the best thing I've ever seen but it certainly showed a good deal of promise and possibly could have been up there with the best. Difficult to say with such a low number of episodes, and the fact I watched it in pretty much one-two days rather than the usual week by week basis, whilst the screen time may be the same it doesn't feel like I've known the characters as long so I am less involved in it. It was a very interesting concept that sounds like it shouldn't work but really does (Space Western), I only wish I could see where it was going. There wasn't really a big overall arc until the film, which I've read was loosely based on the season 2 arc but overall think probably worked better the way it was shown. Definitely something I will rewatch at some point.

Good on you finally watching it! I loved Firefly and quite liked Serenity. I fully believe that if allowed to go 3-5 seasons, it would be the single greatest thing Joss Whedon ever created.
The concept sounds so bizarre, it's like "space = high tech, laser cannons, high speed travel, aliens, etc" and "western = lawless, wooden shacks, horses, low-tech, single shot guns, desert" .. it just sounds like it shouldn't work, but due to the backstory, it really does.

I loved the film, I'm not sure it would've worked properly if that plot had been used as a season or even season ending, but it was really good. River's character progression was great, as she became more accepted she started to get a better grip on what had happened to her and become stronger and more in control. When the door shut at first I was like "She's gonna kick their ass!!" then saw the way she was being dragged off, arms outstretched and held back by several Reavers and I was "oh, no never mind...". Glad she made it, excellent character.
Firefly was freaking awesome. Watched it in the winter.
And Serenity was a nice coda, after being denied the long run the show deserved, at least we got an ending.

(And, from a man perspective, was there ever a more varied, interesting and attractive group of women in one show?)
The concept sounds so bizarre, it's like "space = high tech, laser cannons, high speed travel, aliens, etc" and "western = lawless, wooden shacks, horses, low-tech, single shot guns, desert" .. it just sounds like it shouldn't work, but due to the backstory, it really does.

I loved the film, I'm not sure it would've worked properly if that plot had been used as a season or even season ending, but it was really good. River's character progression was great, as she became more accepted she started to get a better grip on what had happened to her and become stronger and more in control. When the door shut at first I was like "She's gonna kick their ass!!" then saw the way she was being dragged off, arms outstretched and held back by several Reavers and I was "oh, no never mind...". Glad she made it, excellent character.

The concept is batshit crazy, and that's why it worked. It actually made a lot of logical sense from a future-history standpoint and the juxtaposition of space and western is a really interesting idea. Unfortunately, Fox had no idea how to market it and thus, death. :(

The film did a nice job of tying everything up, but it couldn't help but feel rushed. So many of the characters are short-changed by the film (mostly Book and Inara) and that bothers me. But I still greatly enjoy the film and I'm glad we got to see it!

(And, from a man perspective, was there ever a more varied, interesting and attractive group of women in one show?)

Indeed! Considering most of Joss's other work is populated with purely white-washed casts, Firefly was perfect. There was literally a perfect woman for any type of male preference, and each of them was well-rounded and strong.
Firefly had the potential to be one of the greatest science fiction shows of all time, but there is shit that really, really pissed me off in there as well. Like naming a black guy Jubal Early - I really found that ridiculous and offensive. But the overall setting could have really worked. Apparently Serenity was a way to compress all of Whedon's thoughts for how the show should have ended, so I'm not entirely sure that concept taken over a season or two would have been as awesome as it could have been. All in all, a disappointment that it ended.
Just watched "Knights of Badassdom", 2013 film about LARPing turning real. I deem it very entertaining, although I fear rewatchability...ness may be low. It's cheesy but it's meant to be so it works well (although the ending pushes it a bit), awesome soundtrack and some good actors - including Peter Dinklage and the lovely Summer Glau (plus several actors that I swear I recognise but have never actually seen anything they're in!).

I would recommend if you are wanting something amusing to watch.
Just watched "Knights of Badassdom", 2013 film about LARPing turning real. I deem it very entertaining, although I fear rewatchability...ness may be low. It's cheesy but it's meant to be so it works well (although the ending pushes it a bit), awesome soundtrack and some good actors - including Peter Dinklage and the lovely Summer Glau (plus several actors that I swear I recognise but have never actually seen anything they're in!).

It is worth seeing? I used to work at a film company in LA about 3 years ago that bought/sold/produced/distributed films. I was working acquisitions there and I tried really hard to get the distribution rights for Knights of Badassdom because I loved Firefly. However, Summer's involvement in the project and the geeky subject matter seemed to strike a chord with every similar company in town. The producers of the film took FOREVER to sell it because they couldn't finish post-production quickly (the film was actually shot about 4 1/2 years ago) and then tried to start a bidding war. Eventually we dropped out because they were asking for way too much money. We asked for a screener copy and they never sent it, so I it worth seeing?