Good for you, Flash! As bearfan said, it's gonna be a bit of a trudge getting through Season 1 and parts of Season 2. Although there is still a lot to like in the early days, they seem to figure out exactly how the show should work around the middle/end of Season 2 and from there on it's golden.
Parks and Recreation is bloody awesome and I'm only on the s02e17. I'm hooked, watching episodes like crazy. I like every main character except Leslie and Ann but they're alright, too.
Ron wins, hands down. But I love all the characters on the show, save for some of the later additions in the newer seasons.

I'm glad that Ben started standing up for Larry/Jerry/Gary/Terry in the last few episodes. I feel terrible for the guy. I mean, I know that's the joke, but after awhile it just becomes unfunny.
Which later additions ...
the guy who speaks very loudly who came over in the merger[\spoiler] is the only one I really do not care for, but he did get a little better
Which later additions ...
the guy who speaks very loudly who came over in the merger[\spoiler] is the only one I really do not care for, but he did get a little better

Yeah, I cannot stand that guy. I just don't get his appeal at all.

Also Jamm drives me crazy. I know that's the point, again, but every time he's on screen I'm annoyed.
Donna is the one I never really cared for, she isnt irritating just, doesn't seem to bring much imo. Tom grew on me a lot over the seasons.

Jerry is an odd character, some episodes he does brilliant work (his painting, poem, his mural done with photos of the towns people) and they shoot it down which feels really harsh... and others he's a total screwup, so it feels more deserved.
Donna was always my least favorite of the main cast.

I like every main character except Leslie and Ann but they're alright, too.
Leslie becomes much more interesting in the future seasons IMO. Ann... I don't mind her, I just never found her that interesting. She has her moments though.
It's kinda odd, cos Leslie is meant to be THE main character and yet I would agree that she isn't that interesting early on. I think that they dialed back the 'dork' sort of side of her, without losing the government obsession. First episode of S2 (I think? when she starts to sing or something) is one that comes to mind of what I mean. She's not magnificently interesting late on, but she's better.

Thinking about it, is Leslie the only one they really show alone at any point? The rest are mostly shown in pairs/groups, but Leslie gets shown on her own a bit.
So Godzilla was pretty awesome.
Aaron Taylor's acting was kinda off. Not bad, could've been better. I wish Bryan Cranston was in it more, he was absolutely amazing.
The fights between the monsters were spectacular, great job.
Watched Emperor on Netflix (Tommy Lee Jones, Matthew Fox). Pretty much the story of Japan right after WWII and the decision to try or not try the Emperor for war crimes.

Some good moments and potential to be really good, but they had to toss in a a lame love story, a fake mystery/deadline to act, and at least some babbling on about the cause of the war that was BS. Also add in Matthew Fox sounds and acts just like Jack from Lost despite being a general in the movie.

Worth checking out on Netflix if you have more than a passing interest in WWII ... otherwise, I would not bother.
I turned Emperor off partway through. I thought it was absolutely terrible because of the bullshit love story and the whibbling on this and that. It had the potential to be an awesome expose about one of the greatest government coverups of all time, and it wasn't.
I wish I had done the same .... it did get a little better, but not much. It could not decide if it wanted to be a love story, docudrama, or thriller. I turned out to be good at none of the above.