It's not a serious film by any stretch, it's literally cheesy as hell, but it made me laugh so I deem it a success. I guess it would depend on what your expectations are or what you are looking for, but I'd say it's worth it.
I started watching The Bridge (FX) Season 1 last night (half way through Episode 2), excellent series. Not sure how I missed this one, looks like Season 2 starts up pretty soon.
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Does it surprise me that this film is #1 on IMDB's Top 250? Not a bit. Not because it is my favourite film of all time, but because it is a film that is perfectly paced, has a story and characters it is impossible not to care for and overall is a film in which it is almost impossible to find something to criticize it for.

The Count of Monte Cristo

While the film is definitely not a faithful adaptation of the novel, I like it even more due to that. A great cast including Jim Caviezel, Guy Pearce and Richard Harris. One of my favourite films, and as such a film that makes me wonder what has happened to adventure-films. The last Musketeers was horrendous.
Hell yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy cow, boys and girls: "Community" has been renewed, after all. The dream of six seasons and a movie is still alive — thanks to Yahoo, of all places, which closed a deal for an additional season of the cult NBC comedy.

The deal closed on the last day it realistically could, since the actors would all be released from their contracts at midnight tonight. The new season, comprised of 13 episodes, will debut this fall. Creator Dan Harmon and producer Chris McKenna, who returned to the show for season 5 after a year away, will stick around.

“I am very pleased that 'Community' will be returning for its predestined sixth season on Yahoo,” Harmon said in a statement. “I look forward to bringing our beloved NBC sitcom to a larger audience by moving it online. I vow to dominate our new competition. Rest easy, 'Big Bang Theory.' Look out, 'Bang Bus!”

McHale added, “The reports of our cancellation have been greatly exaggerated.” ---Mark Twain (The other version of this quote has been wrong for years). # SixSeasonsAndaMovie is real. Thank you Sony. Thank you Yahoo. Thank you Dan Harmon. And thank you to the greatest f%$#ing fans in the history of the human race. It’s the internet. We can swear now."

When NBC declined to order one last season just to fulfill their end of the "six seasons and a movie" meme (seized on by fans after a joke in season 2's fake clip show episode), the options for the show's survival were limited. Because of exclusive rerun deals with Hulu and Comedy Central (neither of whom could close a deal with Sony), Netflix and other cable channels weren't interested.

Back in the spring, though, Yahoo announced plans to create several of its own TV-style comedy series, which makes the prospect of even having this one season's worth of episodes appealing. "Community," you may have noticed, is enormously popular online, and bringing its fans to Yahoo to watch the remaining episodes would be an enormous head start on generating an awareness for their other original content.

And with the sixth season part happening, let me remind you of Harmon's comments to me earlier in the spring about the movie part:

"I mean, if they do a sixth season, I have to participate. And having done that, if the movie has to be made out of clay and duct tape in my basement, then that’s how the movie will be made, because there has to be closure. The title of the book about the show is not '"Community," An Interesting Journey into a Show No One Ever Watched.' The title of the book is obviously going to be, 'Six Seasons and a Movie.' So it’s already over. Sometimes our hands are just tied up in fate."

In the show's history full of improbable events, I would say that Harmon getting re-hired to run season 5 is still the most improbable, but being brought back from the dead by Yahoo is way up there. It's not the first cult show to be saved from cancellation, nor even the first to be saved by a streaming video service (see the Netflix season of "Arrested Development"), but in this case it involves a service that wasn't even on anyone's radar — and now will be, thanks to this deal.
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Does it surprise me that this film is #1 on IMDB's Top 250? Not a bit. Not because it is my favourite film of all time, but because it is a film that is perfectly paced, has a story and characters it is impossible not to care for and overall is a film in which it is almost impossible to find something to criticize it for.

The Count of Monte Cristo

While the film is definitely not a faithful adaptation of the novel, I like it even more due to that. A great cast including Jim Caviezel, Guy Pearce and Richard Harris. One of my favourite films, and as such a film that makes me wonder what has happened to adventure-films. The last Musketeers was horrendous.

Shawshank was really good. Not my #1 movie, but certainly in a top 100 list. Monte Cristo was a real pleasant surprise, I went and saw it in a $1 theater just to sit in the AC while mine was broken and really enjoyed it.

I watched the first 7 Episodes of Penny Dreadful (Showtime series -- Timothy Dalton, Eva Green) ... really good and it is a genre I normally do not care for. I still need to watch the season finale, it has been renewed for a 10 episode season 2.

Finished the last season of Psych .. The season overall was not that great, a few good episodes, but nowhere near it's peak. The last episode however was a good sendoff for the show.
Serenity (2005)

When I first watched Serenity a few years back I thought it was a good film. Now, after watching it around 10 times I think it is fantastic. Firefly-marathon scheduled!
Serenity (2005)

When I first watched Serenity a few years back I thought it was a good film. Now, after watching it around 10 times I think it is fantastic. Firefly-marathon scheduled!

I need to do one of those soon! I've just started watching House of Cards (the US version) and I'm in the middle of The X-Files season 3. As soon as I finish HOC, I think a Firely rewatch is necessary.
I have been watching Longmire (A&E) .. really good show, keeps getting better. Season 1 and 2 are on Netflix, 3 is airing now.
This episode of of "Masterchef" has been paused for soooo long becuaes I'm drinking and continuously refreshing Maidenfans and Reddit for replies.

Also, I iust finished watchinf an episod eo f The X-Files. Scully!!!!!! Lord, how I love X-Files.
This episode of of "Masterchef" has been paused for soooo long becuaes I'm drinking and continuously refreshing Maidenfans and Reddit for replies.

Also, I iust finished watchinf an episod eo f The X-Files. Scully!!!!!! Lord, how I love X-Files.

Which series, MrK? I was utterly obsessed with the X-Files at one time, but I missed some of the third series and never really caught up with the plot after that.
I'm in the 3rd season right now, actually! It's one of the best. Seasons 2-5 are pretty spectacular television. Definitely worth watching.

After the first movie, things get a little silly in Seasons 6 & 7, but there's some amazing episodes in each. 8/9 is half bad, half good, but not the same as the glory days.
Yes, I preferred it when there was a lot more mystery. Mulder saw stuff, Scully didn't, so it was all inconclusive.