I might need to watch this now ... it looks like it might be so bad, it could be good.

Might add Inside the Third Reich, based on Speer's book of the same name. I recall that was pretty good. I semi-recently watched Speer und er , otherwise I would add that to the list, it was well done I thought. I also recently watched Our Mothers, Our Fathers
Dear Friend Hitler is up on youtube.

Part 1 (there are links to the next 5 parts)

This is hysterical it is so bad
So, I watched The Bunker ... not as good as I remembered. Hopkins was odd as Hitler, and the surrounding officers were either spoke in effeminate British or fast talking Americans. It was odd to watch
Parks & Rec season 6 finale... goosebumps the whole time. One of the best comedy show episodes ever. And the last minute or so is promising a very different experience for Season 7. Can't wait.
Just watched the finale. A fantastic episode. I'm very glad they brought back...pretty much everything. Including Duke Silver and Cones of Dunshire. What the crap was with the HIMYM ending? Seems like a strange move considering they're already renewed for next year. I wonder...will they jump to that timeline like Battlestar Galactica did? That would be really neat.
Wow, thanks for that, @Night Prowler! Glad to see that they are sticking with that idea. I agree completely with you, a pregnancy storyline would have become very old, very fast. I love when shows take radical leaps like this, but it definitely signals the beginning of the end.
I admire them for having the balls to stick to the plan and do something unexpected. Imagine if HIMYM started the post-Ted-meets-the-Mother flashbacks/flashforwards/whatevs at the beginning of Season 9 instead of just squeezing them into one episode?

I like the double meaning of the episode title "Moving Up", it's referencing both Leslie's promotion and moving from the bottom to the top floor of the City Hall :D
I liked the Parks and Rec finale ... very funny, the 'Lil Sebastian thing was funny as hell. Looking forward to next year, the show took a hit when Chris and Ann Perkins left, but it looks like they got back on track. Moving past that also gets rid of this "I miss Ann" stories and maybe they can find someone to fill those shoes. The Jon Hamm cameo was perfect as well.

Started watching the TV show Fargo, much much better than I would have thought it would be. First episode starts off a bit slow, but gets real good real quick.
Escape Plan (2013)

Stallone and Schwarzenegger. Old school action. A film that actually manages to live up to its expectations.

With this film there are no real surprises. We know what kind of films to expect from these actors, and that is exactly what we get. The only difference is that this one is fairly good. The plot is far-fetched, yes, and the there are no Oscar-worthy acting, but the film manages to entertain and deliver where The Expendables II did not.

I thoroughly enjoyed Escape Plan, despite my low expectations. It's nothing new, but certainly the best movie either action star has done in the last decade or so.
I saw Escape Plan a few weeks ago too, and yeah I think pleasantly surprised is the best description. It wasn't exactly an action blockbuster like either of them usually do, which was quite unexpected. His plans were quite interesting to watch unfold tbh.

Parks & Rec, the 'lil Sebastian song is way too catchy for a song about a tiny horse! The episode they introduced it was great "What's 5000 times better than a Candle in the Wind?". The sudden 3 year leap was a bit odd to me, I agree the whole pregnancy storyline would probably be a bit dull, but the sudden leap and "hey look everythings going great for everyone!" seemed a bit off. It almost came across as a happily ever after ending.
First season I hated Andy, he wasn't exactly stupid, just lazy and taking advantage - the dumb things he did weren't because he was literally stupid, but because he thought he could get away with it. Trying to manipulate his way back into Ann's pants all the time etc, he really came across as a jackass. When they paired him with April they seemed to also change his personality, and much so for the better, he became incredibly dumb but also incredibly caring and enthusiastic - and now one of my favourite characters. I'm actually kind of surprised they got away with the total turnaround, he's literally a different person, to the extent I don't think Ann would've been so fed up of him had he been like that from the start.

Agents of SHIELD - more in the Marvel thread, but overall really enjoying it. The episodes can sometimes feel a little slow, and it's not super-actiony like Arrow (see below), but I thoroughly enjoy the whole #itsallconnected thing they are going on, every single line can mean something later in the show!

Lastly, Arrow - I don't think it's ever been 'bad', but it wasn't must watch TV or anything early on. Some of the characters are irritating and/or irritatingly bad acting, but on the whole I enjoy the show. It's an odd one, because it has long running arcs but still manages to have several 'villain of the week' type episodes without them feeling out of place or filler. I think it really became a solid show around the middle of season 1, but these last few episodes (now nearing the end of season 2) have just been incredible. I honestly don't know how they managed to fit so much into a single episode recently, okay theres a lot of times that instead of really discussing things they just go "Okay this is what I'm going to do" over barely 10 seconds, but it doesn't take anything away. They have a great knack for surprise, the ending of one of the recent episodes totally blindsided me as it was entirely separate from the rest, so much so I'd almost forgotten about the character. I still feel more overall invested in the flashback sequences than present day, but I don't think they could carry a show on their own. Still some of the best action sequences on TV at the moment imo.
Parks & Recreation's season 7 will be its last, will probably start airing in January or so, and will feature only 13 episodes :| Fuck you, NBC.
Parks & Recreation's season 7 will be its last, will probably start airing in January or so, and will feature only 13 episodes :| Fuck you, NBC.

Oddly enough, as much as I love the show, I'm ok with that. It gives them 13 episodes to give fans everything we could ask for and more, and prior knowledge of the end so that it isn't a surprise and a lame series finale. I like when shows have scope and don't go on forever. A good five season plan is usually plenty. And considering the first two seasons of Parks and Rec were average at best, that'll be what we're getting. :)