So, since we were already talking about it, Two & A Half men news:
Jake's out (may return as recurring character), new third lead is Amber Tamblyn, gonna play Charlie's long lost lesbian daughter. o_O

WTF? I liked the show when it first came on. It was sliding downhill even before Sheen left, but I really see no purpose for it to exist any more. That said, I liked Tamblyn in House, she is a good actress.
Just came back from seeing Elysium (in IMAX). Awesome movie with a great story and action. Sharlto Copley as Kruger (the villain of the film) was the best part. Matt Damon as Max was pretty cool too. Would I say it was better than District 9? Probably not better but it's definitely up there with it. Good job Neill Blomkamp for making another great movie.
From 5PM I will be watching as live coverage of Arsenal v Man City. On Arsenal player. I confirm again, I am not a Arsenal fan. I have just been told about the freeview.
At the moment nothing!!! I would be watching something on netflix but the inside of my PS3 has melted...
Just got back from Elysium. It looked great, Damon was great, and the allegorical theme was equally as strong as District 9.

I was quite disappointed with the plot, though. It relied far too heavily on fight sequences, explosions, "clever" quips, and in general, tried way too hard to be cool. I would have liked to see more of Elysium and how the way of life differed between it and Earth. Also, Sharlto Copley was badass, but I couldn't understand a damn word he was saying. Jodie Foster, God, what was she thinking with that accent...
Just got back from Elysium. It looked great, Damon was great, and the allegorical theme was equally as strong as District 9.

I was quite disappointed with the plot, though. It relied far too heavily on fight sequences, explosions, "clever" quips, and in general, tried way too hard to be cool. I would have liked to see more of Elysium and how the way of life differed between it and Earth. Also, Sharlto Copley was badass, but I couldn't understand a damn word he was saying. Jodie Foster, God, what was she thinking with that accent...
Yeah Elysium was pretty good. But I noticed one thing. The guy in charge "spider" looked like a Hispanic Lars Ulrich.
Can't wait to see World's End, hope you enjoy it!

I just started Breaking Bad (I had previously watched until about mid-season 2). Just finished the Tuco plotline...thank God for that! I couldn't stand that guy.
Crackle has the Prisoner streaming, watched the first episode.
The old ones? Those are awesome, kinda cool to see parts that influenced the Iron Maiden songs too.

I've been considering checking out Breaking Bad some time.
Yes, the old ones (Prisoner)... and Crackle is free as a bonus .. at least in the US.

I saw At Worlds End, it was really good. A bit of a cross between Hot Fuzz and Sean of the Dead ... I enjoyed it.