Am I the only one who thinks Monty Python is highly overrated?

No you're not actually. From my perspective, most Monty Python is mildly amusing at best.

I realise that being British, the above statement is tantamount to treason. But whatever...
It's been a long time since I've seen it, but I didn't really enjoy Meaning of Life that much. Life of Brian is good but it's not hilarious ... Holy Grail is awesome though. I've not seen the stage shows/sketches so I can't comment.
Holy Grail is one of my favorite movies, it's hilarious, not overrated at all. I haven't seen any of the stage shows but Spamalot goes through my town a lot, would like to catch that one day.

The humor in Dr. Strangelove is more up my alley though.
Life of Brian is the best thing they ever did. I think The Meaning of Life is underrated - it's got some of their funniest bits ever, like the Zulu wars and the Hawaiian dungeon restaurant philosophy discussion.
Earlier today I watched Dr. Strangelove once again to give it a second chance and I loved it. Definitely not a movie to be able to grasp at only one seeing, absolutely not one with false expectations like I had the first time. Black comedy is a type that doesn't make you laugh out loud, but feel more connected to the humour it features. Mostly because of its fair share of realism in its approach which I prefer as a viewer.

Back to Strangelove again. I can't believe I missed so many great jokes, references and puns the first time. I couldn't even get the most basic (yet powerful) puns such as "You can't fight in here, this is the war room." Fantastic usage of ironies. A showing of how leaders make awful decisions and lose control to be seen as "clean" man in the future, only to do the opposite. Amazing acting by Peter Sellers.

Can't say I cared for the "planes flying" scenes that took too much time but nevertheless a great piece of work.
People seem to bag on Season 6 a lot, but I rather liked it. Granted, there were a high number of inconsistencies and stupid character choices, but overall I liked the theme and the outcome.

Season 3 is definitely the weakest of the bunch, though I wasn't the biggest fan of 5, either. 3 is just like a bad cover version of Dexter. Just silly.
My husband and I ended up seeing it twice. Once normal and another time in IMAX 3D. Either way, the film was pretty damn awesome! Guillermo Del Toro has said he's going to be making a sequel. Can't wait to see that.
Eh. As much as I'd like to see it, I don't think the movie will earn enough for a sequel. I hope I'm wrong, of course :confused:
Nah, it has pretty much sealed its own fate at this point. The film cost around $190 million to make, not counting another $100 million for promos, materials, and finalizing. So far it has only grossed a hair over $180 million, so it'll be lucky to even break even in the end (even when considering DVD sales, TV licensing, etc.)

Sad, because I like Del Toro. I still haven't seen the film, but I plan on it very soon. If he isn't allowed a sequel, maybe he'll finally get around to At The Mountains of Madness?
If he isn't allowed a sequel, maybe he'll finally get around to At The Mountains of Madness?
Wiki says:
"In April 2012, del Toro posted that, due to the resemblance in premise with director Ridley Scott's film, Prometheus, the project would probably face a "long pause -if not demise". In January 2013, del Toro stated in an interview that he would try one more time to get the movie made."
Oh, he'll never give up on it. If nothing else, there will be remnants of the story in all his future films. Hell, the beasts in Pacific Rim look live Lovecraftian creatures.