Oblivion (2013)

A masterful display in genre-tradition and filmmaking - and a worthy homage to the classics as well as recent year's blockbusters.
Maybe I should see that, I remember enjoying the novel.

Last movie I saw was Pacific Rim, which consisted of giant robots punching giant aliens in the face. There's really not much else you can say.
Although my time is limited, I've recently started watching Breaking Bad. I'm not a huge drama series guy (as they take extra time and patience), I solely watch comedy series but I made an exception for Breaking Bad, knowing how acclaimed it is. Currently on Season 2, loving the show very much so far.
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Finished watching all 20 seasons of Law and Order. Starting up Law and Order Trial by Jury. Then Law and Order UK (looking for Law and Order France/Russia with subtitles)
Although my time is limited, I've recently started watching Breaking Bad. I'm not a huge drama series guy (as they take extra time and patience), I solely watch comedy series but I made an exception for Breaking Bad, knowing how acclaimed it is. Currently on Season 2, loving the show very much far.

I'm in the same place, trying to catch up before the show ends! Almost finished with Season Two and it just keeps getting better.
Finally saw Elysium yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised, I expected wall to wall action movie silliness, but it was a bit smarter than that. I preferred the Earth scenes to the Elysium ones. Spider wasn't half as Lars-like as I'd been led to believe. :lol:
Finished watching all 20 seasons of Law and Order. Starting up Law and Order Trial by Jury. Then Law and Order UK (looking for Law and Order France/Russia with subtitles)

What? No SVU? No Criminal Intent? No Law and Order L.A? So much to watch State side before joining the Euro circus :p
SVU is a heart wrencher. Episodes on rape, sex slaves, molestation and pederasts are a lot to stomach even if they are "sanitized" for network television. My favorite is Criminal Intent, though. I will follow your lead and binge on those later. At the moment I'm just lucky to have time to sleep.
Well... he was. It takes a strong personality, aka an asshole, to whip people into shape and get shit done more often than not.
Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. pilot:
Loved SHIELD, watched it twice. It definitely suffered from a lack of consistency, which is true of almost all pilots. I am a Joss Whedon fanboy and his pilots, other than Firefly, are rarely great. The show's they launch, however...

I'm truly excited to see where the show goes.
Yeah, I think it was quite a good pilot, as far as pilots go. A lot of setting up. They now have 12 more episodes to execute and see if they can make this work.