They did release the original versions on DVD a few years ago .... I have those and the original versions on Laser Disc still ...

I do not like all the changes (though some of the background stuff is fine with me and of course general cleaning up the films, removing matte lines, etc), some are bad (Jabba and Solo in Ep IV and of course Greedo shooting first) ... I do not think they ruin the movies though.
Yup, I bought those "limited edition" dvds. He still fucked the fans over. the new versions were in anamorphic wide screen, 5.1 surround sound and the original releases were in letterbox stereo... fucking Lucas. Like I said, I heard it as a rumor that they would be included. I pray to got they are.
Onhell said:
Yup, I bought those "limited edition" dvds. He still fucked the fans over. the new versions were in anamorphic wide screen, 5.1 surround sound and the original releases were in letterbox stereo... fucking Lucas. Like I said, I heard it as a rumor that they would be included. I pray to got they are.

The original Star Wars was in stereo ...
I cancelled my pre-order of the blu rays when I saw the new changes. it's infuriating at this point. I don't mind that Lucas keeps making changes, what I do mind is he will not release the original trilogy in its original form on blu ray for all of us to enjoy. The dvds have them as an extra a fucking extra!!!  :mad: and they look AWFUL on big televisions. The prequels are fucking garbage too. George Lucas is a cu$t. See how I used a dollar sign for an "n" there? Works on so many levels  :D
Mosh™ said:
I hope so, those are the only way to watch it. :D I still have the VHS tapes. They totally ruined the DVD version by putting that other guy in place of Anakin in Return of the Jedi.
Yep. I've still got mine on VHS also
Watching Attack of the Clones today, Phantom Menace yesterday.  Have a bunch of work to do this weekend, will probably KO the rest of the movies and extras by Monday.
Revenge of the Sith today, Phantom Menace certainly had flaws, Attack of the Clones was better, I do think they did a really good job on Sith.  It is hard to make a move where everyone knows what will happen going into it and still make it pay off, I think they pulled it off.
I like all 6 Star Wars movies. Of course, I prefer the original trilogy, but the prequel one is also very good. Is that a blasphemy?
Apparantly it is .... I sat the the first one in the theater when it came out and certainly do not think the new ones match up to the old ones overall, but they are still good IMO.
See I hate when I'm talking to people my age about Star Wars. I say the first one, and they think I'm talking about The Phantom Menace.  ::)
Capitalism: A Love Story. Michael Moore's best documentary by far. He himself may not be the voice of reason, but he gives a voice to genuine victims and several experts who saw the shit storm coming. Couple of glaring errors, a priest talking about how "propaganda is bad" was the biggest one but over all it wasn't set up to "blow your mind" it just kinda laid it all out. No awful visits to actors houses in this... 4/5.