Mosh™ said:
See I hate when I'm talking to people my age about Star Wars. I say the first one, and they think I'm talking about The Phantom Menace.  ::)

Oh sweet jesus I'd hate to see someone like that. I actually use to be a big Star Wars fanatic, I had an action figure collection of around 30 or so.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Great performances from a quality cast. The movie itself was a bit too sedate for me. That said, if Gary Oldman's restrained, yet obviously tortured, performance doesn't earn him an Oscar I will cut someone! 3/5.
I'm looking forward to that one. It'll be interesting to see how Oldman compares to Alec Guinness in the leading role.
Shadow said:
I haven't read the book, but the BBC adaption is excellent.
Cool, must look out for that.

Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil. Hilarious spin on the tried, tested and mostly failed "slasher in the woods" formula. Filled with great gags, quality lines and most importantly charm. Really funny performances from the two leads. 4/5.
Red State. Kevin Smith's latest movie is an assault on the extreme right wing bible bashing religious freaks. It has a lot of horror, thriller and comedy elements that don't quite mesh together but it is never boring and, at times packs a serious punch. 7/10.
Just when I thought it was safe to go into a strip club... I watch Contagion. Very unremarkable movie... Andromeda Strain, The Hot Zone, Airborne... and now well... this one. Great soundtrack, very straightfoward plot of a pandemic, but very meh. 3/10
The Thing was playing in Dublin tonight. I've seen it a million times but seeing it with an audience, many of whom clearly hadn't seen it...well it was something. You should've seen them during the blood test scene, edge of the seats and barely able breathe  Looked STUNNING on the big screen too. Perfection 5/5.
snake plissken said:
The Thing was playing in Dublin tonight. I've seen it a million times but seeing it with an audience, many of whom clearly hadn't seen it...well it was something. You should've seen them during the blood test scene, edge of the seats and barely able breathe  Looked STUNNING on the big screen too. Perfection 5/5.

Just watched it last night on Netflix. Liked it almost as much as I did when it was new.
What have you heard about the prequel?
mckindog said:
Just watched it last night on Netflix. Liked it almost as much as I did when it was new.
What have you heard about the prequel?

Decent buzz but you never really know. The red band trailer looked like it might be worth a watch. Here's hoping.
Big Trouble in Little China was playing in Dublin City tonight and it was fucking amazing with a crowd. The movie is just so much fun. It could be 15 hours long and it'd never get boring. 5/5.
Saw the Lion King in 3D last week. Last time I Had seen it was when it came out in theaters, I was 10-11 years old or so. Still packs quite the punch and I got all the jokes this time hahaha. Fucking love the Hyenas. The 3D brought surprisingly little to it, but still one of Disney's best 90's movies. 
Onhell said:
Saw the Lion King in 3D last week. Last time I Had seen it was when it came out in theaters, I was 10-11 years old or so. Still packs quite the punch and I got all the jokes this time hahaha. Fucking love the Hyenas. The 3D brought surprisingly little to it, but still one of Disney's best 90's movies.  

I'd have thought the 3D brought predictably little to it. Sooner that horrid gimmick dies the better.
Saw The Thing. Surprisingly good movie! My only complaints are that the pacing was too fast and oddly... too much of the monster. The original worked better, because it was essentially Jaws in the Antarctic. Less is more. And built the tension better. Even so, good movie worth watching. I liked how they tie it to the John Carpenter movie.
Watched the pilots of both Grimm and Once Upon a Time

Both were quite good and show potential.  On the other hand, Terra Nova has been a huge disapointment.
Paranormal Activity 3. Why do film makers feel the need to explain everything? If people find a ghost story scary, it's generally because they don't know what the hell is happening or why it's happening. And if you must do the origin story thing at least make it interesting. Not a total loss as it had a sheet scene which made me laugh my ass off and there were a couple of decent jumps but overall: 5/10.