Saw Rise of the Planet of the Apes last night, that was an excellent movie, great CGI IMO and a good story.    I like the tie ins to the original, especially showing the
Mars launch and The Ten Commandments on the TV
The Beaver. Movie like this hinges on the performance of its lead actor. Fortunately Mel Gibson is more than up to the challenge and I have to assume the lukewarm reception from the critics is down to his off screen activity. Nice job by Jodi Foster behind the camera too. 4/5.
Saw Reservoir Dogs last night, kinda slow to start but an overall awesome movie. :ok:

But one thing though,
So Orange is dead right?
Dityn DJ James said:
Saw Reservoir Dogs last night, kinda slow to start but an overall awesome movie. :ok:

But one thing though,
So Orange is dead right?

All but Buscemi die...
I watched The Eagle last night. It's based on that myth that the 9th Legion of the Roman Empire got defeated somewhere north of Hadrian's Wall in around 120 AD. The son of the commander of that legion now sets out to get the lost standard of the legion back to restore his family's and Rome's honour.

I never expected it, but that film is actually very good! It's very intense, and almost completely devoid of all the adventure film clichés we come to expect - at the same time, it is virtually everything but a historical epic. It also critically examines some points related to imperialism and freedom. Even people who don't care for historical flicks or Roman history should enjoy it.
The Human Centipede. I'm okay with gore, it doesn't bother me but no fewer than three times I was fighting down vomit. Absolutely despicable movie. Still, gotta give it a point for, albeit disgusting, originality 1/5.
I'm a little curious about what the centipede looks like, but it is not enough to actually watch the movie lol.

I saw Jurassic Park III the other day and while better than the second movie, it still should not have been made. The ONLY part that I found worth while was when Grant and the rest are being chased by a large meet eating dinosaur in a river and it is destroying the boat and Grant calls his old buddy for help with a satellite phone. His old colleague's son answers the phone and when he takes it over to mom he gets distracted by the tv. What's on the tv? Barney the fucking purple dinosaur. lol, they cut back to Grant getting chomped at by an actual dinosaur and then they cut back to the kid dancing to Barney... I found that hilarious. Decent movie, but still cant' believe they're making a fourth one.
bearfan said:
Best part of Jurassic Park III was that I used to fill up at that 76 station in San Diego :)
I've not seen Jurassic Park III for a few years. Do you not fill up at it now because it was destroyed by dinosaurs? :P
Black Wizard said:
I've not seen Jurassic Park III for a few years. Do you not fill up at it now because it was destroyed by dinosaurs? :P

Bearfan used that excuse and got fired. He should have known better, because it never works. Even if dinosaurs did eat your homework, make you miss your date or destroy your workplace, nobody's going to believe it.

BTW, the Jurassic Park sequels weren't exactly good from a critical point of view, but I still enjoyed them thoroughly.
Perun said:
BTW, the Jurassic Park sequels weren't exactly good from a critical point of view, but I still enjoyed them thoroughly.

The Lost World made me cringe the entire time. I caught it on TV like a month ago and it was a good way to kill a couple of hours. I wasn't as critical of it this time around as when I first saw it, but I still rolled my eyes more times than I wanted to. The third one was surprisingly decent, but yeah, it was fun. I haven't heard what they want to do with the fourth installment, but I might end up watching it for completion sake.