Are you talking of Doc Martin starring Martin Clunes? That is one of the best shows on TV, in my opinion.
Yes, with Martin Clunes.    From what I read they are filming (or just filmed) a Season 5, looking forward to it.  Just a great show IMO, good writing, good characters, and good acting. 
We are getting the teasers on TV stating that a new series is "Coming Soon". As long as ITV have coming soon to mean within the next week or two (which it usually does), I'm happy. But if they do a BBC when they gave us "Doctor Who - coming soon" earlier this year and spent what must of been 6 weeks telling us so - I'll go spare....

What I watched yesterday was pretty good. It was the story of "Eddington and Einstein" where it told us of when Einstein’s work on general relativity came to be proven by Arthur Eddington. Bearing in mind it was set in the time of WWI where all German scientists where renounced by the rest of the world, it would of taken a lot of courage for an Englishmen (Eddington) to prove Einstein right - and Newton wrong.
Hopefully they will hit the US fairly soon.  Hulu Plus has been running a few British shows this year (we cancelled our cable and mainly use that for TV now), it was a nice idea to fill in the summer TV programming gap.  Doc Martin and the Misfits have been enjoyablem Whites is okay, but a step below.  I hope they start adding the new season of Doc Martin fairly soon after the UK air date.
How does it compare to the original? I haven't seen either, but people are coming back with good reviews of the remake so I might have to rent the old one and then man up and go see the new one.
Finally saw Cowboys and Aliens,
I thought it was a fun movie, a few points I did not care for How they switched Ford's character from bad guy to good guy so quickly and why they did not just pick up more of the wrist things from the dead aliens
... but overall a good popcorn movie I thought
Onhell said:
How does it compare to the original? I haven't seen either, but people are coming back with good reviews of the remake so I might have to rent the old one and then man up and go see the new one.
It holds up well because the original, whilst a fun watch, was never a classic. Neither is this but it is a total blast. Everyone seems to be really enjoying themselves on screen and it's infectious.

Everything Must Go. Will Ferrell showing once again what a good actor he is. Loses his job, his wife leaves him and throws his stuff into the front garden. Ferrell decides he's gonna stay in the front garden and drink his head off while he's at it. Predictable reveal towards the end hurt what was already a grim enough watch. Still I quite enjoyed Ferrell so 3/5.
Billy Conolly's Route 66... Only down to Pontiac, IL but he seems to be behaving pretty thoroughly... personally i cant wait to see though the mountains around Oatman AZ near the end (if he doesnt interstate it)
TrollHunter. Norwegian version of the Blair Witch Project. Some decent scares, couple of good jokes and the Trolls looked great. If you're not a fan of "shakey-cam" though, this won't convert you. I enjoyed it well enough though. 3/5.
Did anyone watch the first episode of 2,5 men with Ashton Kutcher? I have about 30 episodes left to watch before I get to the new ones, so please no spoilers, just general opinion ;)
I watched it last night, I thought it was good, I am not sure I really care for the new character though.  I it obviously a completely different show without Sheen on it.
I saw the Comedy Central Roast of Charlie Sheen and it was WINNING! If you can catch the rerun highly recommended.
Finished watching Two & A Half Men. I can say that first 7 seasons were great. Season 8...mostly sucked. Charlie (Harper) behaved like a moron most of the time, while in the last 3 episodes Charlie (Sheen) looked really sick (I guess that at the time of the filming of these episodes he was in a really bad condition). Meanwhile Jon Cryer was marvellous during the whole season, but I feel that the writers planned on firing Charlie Sheen for a long time, focusing most of the episodes on Alan, and making Charlie look like a villain. He wasn't really a saint during the previous seasons, but it wasn't funny in this season...

New episode: Funeral part was lame. Ashton Kutcher did a nice job, his character has potential. I don't think that the show itself has potential to last more than two seasons (including this one), 'cause I've only seen bad comments so far. I'll continue watching it, but still... I wish that Charlie wasn't fired :(
Picked up the Star Wars Blu-Ray set, the packaging is incredibly cool.    Watched 20 mins of Phantom Menace so far, looks really nice.  Going to check out the extras tomorrow
bearfan said:
Picked up the Star Wars Blu-Ray set, the packaging is incredibly cool.    Watched 20 mins of Phantom Menace so far, looks really nice.  Going to check out the extras tomorrow

Is it true it includes the original '77, '80 and '83 releases?
Onhell said:
Is it true it includes the original '77, '80 and '83 releases?
I hope so, those are the only way to watch it. :D I still have the VHS tapes. They totally ruined the DVD version by putting that other guy in place of Anakin in Return of the Jedi.