Watched "Captians". Shatener interviewing the other Star Trek "Captains", pretty interseting and very odd (mainly any part that involved Avery Brooks .... what a whack job)
Night Prowler said:
Since this is also used as the movie thread, I'll post this here: ... 5_700b.jpg

Oh. My. God.

What do you mean also used as the movie thread? It is the movie thread or at least it was originally, then people who don't bother to read the first posts started posting a whole bunch a crap and while I complained at first after a while I just stopped giving a shit. Your comment is evidence enough as to how much the thread has change. "also  the movie thread," *shakes head*.

Van Damme was supposed to be in the first one, but couldn't due to scheduling. the IMDB list of trivia is actually pretty cool regarding the first movie. I personally cannot wait for this movie :) the first one was exactly what I expected, ridiculously retro-80s mindless action :D.
Saw Tower Heist tonight, a fun movie, not great, but this is by far the best thing Eddie Murphy has been in in quite some time.  Hopefully he will play more roles like this and be at least a semblance of his earlier self.
Recently, i saw this movie given to me by my friend. the machinist :yey: and i just loved it..!
One thing that does stand out is how reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock this film plays. Almost everything about the film screams Hitchcock, from the editing of certain scenes (the driving sequences are very much in the style of Psycho) to the Bernard Herrmann-esquire score (lots of bass clarinet), the lack of fully-exploring/revealing some of the creepier points of the film (what is dripping from the fridge?), and the washed out,
Moneyball. Excellent movie written by Aaron Sorkin and Steve Zallian. The true story of the Oakland A's circa 2002. Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill play two guys trying to change the game of baseball forever. They're both great in their roles and though I'm not at all interested in baseball I still really loved this movie 5/5.
That sounds interesting. I wasn't aware that the Oakland A's had anything to do with making a change. I may investigate this movie more.
I read the book Moneyball, have not seen the movie yet, but the book was incredibly interesting.  I am a big baseball fan, but think it would be of interest to non baseball fans as well (not sure about non sports fans, but I would think Hockey, football (US), etc would find it instersting as well).

I think Beane, who took the theories of others like Bill James, really revolutionized baseball and has had an indirect influence on othe major professional sports.
bearfan said:
I read the book Moneyball, have not seen the movie yet, but the book was incredibly interesting.  I am a big baseball fan, but think it would be of interest to non baseball fans as well (not sure about non sports fans, but I would think Hockey, football (US), etc would find it instersting as well).

I think Beane, who took the theories of others like Bill James, really revolutionized baseball and has had an indirect influence on othe major professional sports.

I went with two friends, one of whom hates all sports and he really loved the movie. The reason he loved the movie is the same reason any of us love any movie. The characters are so good, you root for them from the get go. Gotta give credit to the writers on this one. Fantastic work.
Haven't seen the movie yet (I don't think it's in theaters anymore :(), but I read an article on Beane... turns out he is now trying to do the same thing with U.S soccer.... I hope he succeeds. I HATE baseball, but can't wait to see this movie.

I watched J. Edgar yesterday and it is a really good movie. DiCaprio is a bad ass, pure and simple. Eastwood does a great job handling the transitions from present to past and the characterizations of old DiCaprio and Watts were fantastic. Do we get to know J. Edgar Hoover? I don't think so, but it is a good window into a very complicated mind. It was clear he had several issues and that he was very driven and attention hungry. I like how subtly Eastwood handles said issues,
from his probable homosexuality and stuttering to his rumored cross-dressing...
Fantastic film.
Stake Land. Great little vampire movie. Elements of The Walking Dead and Phantasm 2 with a dash of The Road merge together really well for a road movie that deserved a much bigger cinema release. 4/5
50/50. Seth Rogen plays, well, Seth Rogen. Joseph Gordon Levitt is his friend who has cancer. Could've been overly sentimental, could've been overly cynical. It actually got the balance just right. Liked it 7/10.
Onhell said:
I watched J. Edgar yesterday and it is a really good movie. DiCaprio is a bad ass, pure and simple. Eastwood does a great job handling the transitions from present to past and the characterizations of old DiCaprio and Watts were fantastic. Do we get to know J. Edgar Hoover? I don't think so, but it is a good window into a very complicated mind. It was clear he had several issues and that he was very driven and attention hungry. I like how subtly Eastwood handles said issues,
from his probable homosexuality and stuttering to his rumored cross-dressing...

Fantastic film.

Thanks Onhell, I was looking forward to see this film and this review certainly helps. Do you know The Ides of March by chance? Sounds good as well.

Also the thriller Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy should be really cool.
I've heard of both films, but haven't had a chance to watch them. I do plan to though, as well as Clooney's latest, The Descendants
The Thing (prequel) Ever want to know what happened at the Norwegian camp in John Carpenter's The Thing? No? Me neither. But they went and made the movie anyway and it's basically a watered down version of the 1982 classic. Characters are a wholly unmemorable bunch. FX range from not great to amazing. Couple of decent thrills/scares but in no condition whatsoever to take on Carpenter's movie: 3/5.
a friend and I run a cineclub in our school and he said "I have one you won’t believe, you’re gonna watch this film tonight BUT don’t ask me what it is about, I’ll only tell you its called “come and see”
that afternoon I went to Imdb and read it was a soviet war movie (and I’m a sucker for war movies) so I went to the auditorium, and I was blown away!! the ending was truly powerful, I loved it…
at the end of the screening I told my friend how ashamed I was, I didn’t know anything about the existence of such impressive film!!
Martinez said:
a friend and I run a cineclub in our school and he said "I have one you won’t believe, you’re gonna watch this film tonight BUT don’t ask me what it is about, I’ll only tell you its called “come and see”
that afternoon I went to Imdb and read it was a soviet war movie (and I’m a sucker for war movies) so I went to the auditorium, and I was blown away!! the ending was truly powerful, I loved it…
at the end of the screening I told my friend how ashamed I was, I didn’t know anything about the existence of such impressive film!!

Never heard of it either, looks good though: