I haven't seen the third. The fourth one sucked, except for Arnold's cameo. Another bad 4th is Indiana Jones. They ruined it with the Aliens and the like.
How did they ruin it? Aliens are just as silly as God living in a box.

I didn't mind the fourth Terminator movie. It would have been better if it was called something entirely different.
The 4th Indiana Jones was not that bad, I think it was certainly a step down from the first 3, but it was still a good movie.  I would have been happy with someone beside LeBouf in that role, I thought he was the weak point.  What I did like is they made Jones age appropriate for Ford and they did a nice job tying it in with the original movies.  I would not be opposed to a 5th one (with a different younger person in it) if they went that route.

Never sat Terminator 4, after 3 I was pretty much done with it.

As for Star Wars, I guess i refer both to Episode IV as Star Wars, as well as the trilogy as a whole.  In this case, the trology.
I like Aliens, and I'm not saying it's bad because Aliens are unrealistic, but to me it just doesn't make sense in an Indiana Jones movie.
Mosh said:
I like Aliens, and I'm not saying it's bad because Aliens are unrealistic, but to me it just doesn't make sense in an Indiana Jones movie.

To each his own, I am not sure it is much different than God in the Ark, zombies/heart removal in Temple of Doom, or the Grail in Last Crusade ...
Anyone else watch Tosh.0 on Comedy Central?  I just discovered it a couple of weeks ago, though it's been airing for a few years.  It's a show that, frankly, I'm amazed can get produced in this day and age.  It's disgusting, sexist, racist, juvenile, tasteless frat-boy humor, the whole premise of which is this: a snarky comic (Daniel Tosh) shows clips of, and comments on, amateur YouTube videos.  Basically a R-rated version of the old America's Best Home Videos show.  By all rights, I should despise this show.  ANYONE should despise this show.  And yet it's hysterical.  I'm not alone in this view apparently, as I read it is the most viewed program on Comedy Central, even beating out the Daily Show and the Colbert Report.  Worth a watch, but overly sensitive viewers should stay away.

Those of you without Comedy Central on your channel lineup can browse the website here.  You'll get the idea.  
LooseCannon said:
How did they ruin it? Aliens are just as silly as God living in a box.
It was too Sci-Fi for me. Don't get me wrong, I like Science Fiction, but not in Indiana Jones. The Ark of the Covenant was a religious thing, and I think it's anything but science fiction.
Super 8. Tried desperately to rekindle the spirit of Spielberg's early movies but didn't quitemanage it. Still, it was a decent flick: 3/5.
Mosh said:
It was too Sci-Fi for me. Don't get me wrong, I like Science Fiction, but not in Indiana Jones. The Ark of the Covenant was a religious thing, and I think it's anything but science fiction.

Try telling that to a Peruvian native, people who actually believe that their gods are from another place and time. It's a different religion - just not yours.
I'll have to watch the movie again because I don't remember it being related to any religion.  Nevermind then.
Cornfed Hick said:
Anyone else watch Tosh.0 on Comedy Central...

YES! LOVE that show and his stand-up specials are great too. Glad to see I'm not the only one cracking up at this insensitive prick lol

Ok, I saw Rise of the Planet of the Apes and what a FANTASTIC movie! This is how remakes/reboots should be made. Andy Serkis is great as Caesar and how he rises to power is a great development.

Time for a history lesson!

Planet of the Apes was a little known novel by Pierre Boulle published in 1963. Boulle is better known for Bridge over the River Kwai which also got the movie treatment. Boulle wasn't exactly fond of his own work and was surprised when it got picked up for a movie. The script wasn't too great either and went through several rewrites the final version getting a face-lift by Rod Serling of Twilight Zone fame. When Boulle watched the movie he said, "I wish I would have thought of that ending!"

The Book is about a couple space cruising and finding a message in a bottle, yes in space, and the story within is that of a scientist that travels to another planet which is populated by an advance civilization of Apes and humans are not the brightest animals of the bunch.

In the book the Apes' society is technologically advanced with Cars, planes etc. The movie didn't have the budget to match that so they decided to make it a primitive society and the rest is movie history.

Hollywood being the money-whore that it is, after the movie was a big hit decided to do a sequel. Beneath the Planet of the Apes was the answer and Charleston Heston was so against the idea of a sequel he only wanted to be on screen for like 15 min. That is why you don't see him until the end. In an interview Heston stated, "I had the idea of blowing up the atom bomb that destroys the planet... no planet... no sequels." But he didn't count on the cleverness of producers as the series spawned three more movies. The third movie and easily the weakest of the five has the two main Apes, Cornelius and Zira, going BACK to present day Earth. They got their because at some point the Ape scientist had built a spacecraft like the one Heston and his crew made it to the future and escaped the planet before the nuke destroys it. Zira and Cornelius are asked how they evolved, they explain that a virus kills all cats and dogs and humans start using primates as their pets. Apes, being smarter than cats and dogs, are also used as housekeepers and to perform other menial tasks and soon evolve. The humans freak out and decide to kill the two Apes, which they do, but not before Zira gives birth to... Caesar.

In Conquest of the Planet of the Apes Caesar has grown up and is under the care of Ricardo Montealban's character who is a circus owner. He has been hiding Caesar, but soon gets found out and Caesar is taken into custody. It is there where he rallies all the other Apes and war between Ape and Man breaks out... fucking epic. Seriously awesome movie.

The fifth movie, Battle for the Planet of the Apes, ties all the lose ends. After the War between men and apes the city suffered a nuclear meltdown and people are starting to feel the effects of the radiation (their skin melting... hence the mask wearing people from the second movie), and the Apes have to make one final stand against the radical humans.

Why the history lesson? Well, because the new movie for Rise of the Planet of the Apes takes most of its plot from the fourth movie of the original series, but laces it with Easter eggs from the first film.

In This reboot The Apes don't evolve because they had increased contact with humans and were assigned menial tasks. James Franco plays a scientist who's father (John Lithgow!) suffers Alzheimer's so he has devoted his research to finding a cure and has been using apes as test subjects. The one Ape who has responded favorably to the treatment is nicknamed  "Bright Eyes" because of the green around her irises, a side effect from the drug. Bright Eyes is also the nickname Zira gives Heston in the original movie. Caesar is the chimp she gives birth to and Franco quickly realizes that the drug's benefits can be genetically transmitted. He keeps Caesar until he is found out and forced to take him to an ape sanctuary where Caesar begins his rise as leader of the apes.
other Easter Eggs include quotes from the original movie

"It's a madhouse! A madhouse!"

and of course, "Get your stinking paws off of me you damn dirty ape!"

In the original movie Heston surprises the Apes by finally speaking, in this movie Caesar evolves to the point of being able to speak, pretty epic moment. Also in the original Heston gets hosed down to pacify him like they do in prisons (or used to don't know if they still do) and Caesar suffers the same treatment

I won't give away more, WATCH IT! fucking awesome film which I can't wait to see again next week with my buddy.
I agree with everything you said, Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes is awesome! Haven't seen any of the original movies, but I saw the one with Mark Wahlberg, although I don't remember much from it. Sequel should be awesome too because
I suspect that a global outbreak will happen and I love those type of movies.
Sucker punch, which was very cool looking and very bad otherwise.
And The Usual Suspects, which I have been meaning to watch for years and lived up to the hype.
Night Prowler said:
I agree with everything you said, Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes is awesome! Haven't seen any of the original movies, but I saw the one with Mark Wahlberg, although I don't remember much from it. Sequel should be awesome too because
I suspect that a global outbreak will happen and I love those type of movies.

Indeed! I've been doing more research on it, turns out it is "officially" a reboot a la Batman Begins and they did leave it open for sequels which I can't wait for. Also, the fourth movie of the original franchise is Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, so it doesn't share a title with any of the originals.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes. You know, there may come a time when watching actual Apes (not the London rioters) running amok won't be funny. However, this is not that time. Haven't laughed so hard in years and dammit I got caught up in the thing. I was rooting for the crazy bastards. They had more personality than all of Sam Worthington's "hero" roles put together. Also stunning work from WETA Digital, they've been trouncing Industrial Light and Magic for over a decade now and these are some of the best special fx I've ever seen. 4/5.
snake plissken said:
Rise of the Planet of the Apes. You know, there may come a time when watching actual Apes (not the London rioters) running amok won't be funny. However, this is not that time. Haven't laughed so hard in years and dammit I got caught up in the thing. I was rooting for the crazy bastards. They had more personality than all of Sam Worthington's "hero" roles put together. Also stunning work from WETA Digital, they've been trouncing Industrial Light and Magic for over a decade now and these are some of the best special fx I've ever seen. 4/5.

I'm watching it again this week! Can't wait! I told my friend and I'll say it again,

You haven't lived until you see an ape riding a horse!