Mosh said:
Starting a Back To The Future marathon. A question that's been lingering all day is how did Doc meet Marty?!?

What a great series of movies, the first one in particular. 
It's probably my second favorite trilogy of all time. (The first being Star Wars.)
bearfan said:
Watched the first episode of the British TV show Misfits, Hulu started carrying it.   Interesting show and it really does show that you can be much more risque on the BBC than you can on US TV (but have a lower special effects budget).   Also started watching the British show Doc Martin, first 3 episodes have been really good.

Just for the record, Misfits isn't a BBC programme, which is probably still a little more reserved than other channels here. Although having said that, they've started replaying some of Only Fools and Horses recently, which has been extremely enjoyable, but I've been suprised by words like "bullshit" and "bollocks" being allowed to be aired during the afternoon.

On an almost related link (UK vs US), I watched the documentary about Lemmy last week, which I thought was pretty shit apart from the fact that it featured the great man himself. What I thought was especially bad was that in parts Lemmy was subtitled - in a film about himself, in his own language! Insulting and disrespectful or what?
I liked the Lemmy movie. I'm not a motorhead fan, but it was still very entertaining. You're the first person I've heard a negative review of it from.
Mosh said:
It's probably my second favorite trilogy of all time. (The first being Star Wars.)

of the 80s movies, I would probably rank Star Wars #1, and BTTF and Indiana Jones pretty close for #2. 
BTTF would be number 2. I'm not a big Indie fan. The only really good one was Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Just finished downloading the Zeitgeist trilogy last night. I think I'll watch them tonight.
Well, one 70s movie, 2 80s movies ... I should rephrase as trilogies I enjoyed seeing in the theater as a kid/teenage ...
Super. Class movie. Guy gets a costume and fights crime. Same idea as Kick Ass but closer to Taxi Driver in tone. Ellen Page was fucking hilarious in it and Nathan FIllion's cameo is awesome :) Well worth a look 4/5.
snake plissken said:
Star Wars is a 70's movies but those are all great choices.

Not to split hairs or anything, but he did say movieS as in the trilogy and only A New Hope was made in the 70's. Empire and Return were 1980 and 83 respectively, which indeed makes them 80's flicks.

Onhell said:
Not to split hairs or anything, but he did say movieS as in the trilogy and only A New Hope was made in the 70's. Empire and Return were 1980 and 83 respectively, which indeed makes them 80's flicks.


And TO split hairs he said movies and named several including Star Wars.
snake plissken said:
And TO split hairs he said movies and named several including Star Wars, which is indeed a 70's flick.  :smartarse:
snake plissken said:
And TO split hairs he said movies and named several including Star Wars.

LOL, fair enough. Here's a question as far as nomenclature goes. The first film was ORIGINALLY titled Star Wars, but once the other films were made it was renamed A New Hope. So if someone says "Star Wars" are we to assume they mean the film or the trilogy? As the saga's name is Star Wars and each film is a specific chapter in the saga... Discuss.

Can't wait to see the remake of Rise of the Planet of the Apes! The original is my favorite of the original series after the first film, so let's see if it lives up to expectations. 
I call it the first Star Wars. Or just Star Wars. Because if I refer to the the next to films, I say Empire Strikes Back, or Return of the Jedi. I also just pretend that the new trilogy never happened. :D
Onhell said:
LOL, fair enough. Here's a question as far as nomenclature goes. The first film was ORIGINALLY titled Star Wars, but once the other films were made it was renamed A New Hope. So if someone says "Star Wars" are we to assume they mean the film or the trilogy? As the saga's name is Star Wars and each film is a specific chapter in the saga... Discuss.

Can't wait to see the remake of Rise of the Planet of the Apes! The original is my favorite of the original series after the first film, so let's see if it lives up to expectations. 

I think three amazing movies, three embarrassing excuses of movies. Lucas really damaged the whole saga with those shit prequels.

Apes looks really funny. Every time I see the clip I LMAO, can't wait to go see it.
Mosh said:
I call it the first Star Wars. Or just Star Wars. Because if I refer to the the next to films, I say Empire Strikes Back, or Return of the Jedi. I also just pretend that the new trilogy never happened. :D

I think that about the other two terminator movies. The first two were so great, there didn't need to be third and fourth one.