I'm going to watch Star Wars soon, too  :bigsmile:

My habit stroke again and I couldn't stop myself from watching the second movie of the series, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I also think I'll start watching the third one, three movies from the same series in a row, wow  :lol:

Chamber of Secrets is far better than Philosopher's Stone for me. Never loses its edge, there's always something interesting and intriguing. The best difference between the first one and the second one is powerful scenes. Chamber of Secrets has far more powerful scenes than the first one, scenario is better, acting is better, sound effects are better, image effects are better, everything is simply better.

A lot of people say the second one is the best of the saga, we'll see.

I remember the 2nd one being very good. That was the original directer's last one. So the third one is a rather sudden change of mood. It's a lot darker.
Mosh said:
I remember the 2nd one being very good. That was the original directer's last one. So the third one is a rather sudden change of mood. It's a lot darker.

Yes it is. Just watched the third one. Like I said, my terrible habit stroke back  :bigsmile:

Third one is the worst one so far. First part of the movie is just terrible, some random scenes. But second part is good. I think I'm more of a scenario man about watching movies, if the scenario doesn't flow then it's not for me. Prisoner of Azkaban's scenario is nothing special, but the cinematography, sound effects etc. are perfect. There are a lot of powerful scenes in a dark mood.

P.S. : Emma Watson looked amazing in that one, I think her best look in the series. :D

Also, changed my points for the first two :

Philosopher's Stone : 7.8
Chamber of Secrets : 8.7
Prisoner of Azkaban : 7.5
Yup just as I remember it, including the Emma Watson part.  :D

The fourth one is a bit odd. I don't know if I can explain it without spoiling the movie so I'll just wait until you've watched it to give my reasoning.
Just saw 5 and 6 on youtube. I'll watch them tomorrow. I wasn't able to see 5 when it came out and since then I haven't gained up the interest to see any more films, and lately with all the HP craze I want to see the end of the series.
Finished the fourth one, Goblet of Fire. Again, worst of all so far but not far behind of the Prisoner of Azkaban. Great epic scenes, but not a good storytelling overall. The labyrinth scene and the Voldemort scene are great however there are tons of mistakes about picking scenes and using the time. Spending time with dance lesson scenes in a Harry Potter movie ? Really ?

7.4 / 10

P.S. : I haven't slept yet, spend the whole night watching Harry Potter's first four movies in a row and still thinking about starting to the fifth one. I should get a life :D
Yea I'm gonna watch the 5th one tomorrow.

Here is the thing with the fourth one. It seems like it's just there, there is little to no effect on the whole story. (even Azkaban does this, that Jack Black guy or whoever he was plays an important role in the entire saga) Yes Voldemort makes his return and all that, but the main premise of that movie was the contest they had. Hence the name, goblet of fire. I don't want to blame the movie because the book is just as guilty of this. I don't remember any character development, with the exception of Voldemort who again didn't play as big of a role as he should have, the only new character that I remember was the guy from twilight
and they ended up killing him off anyway.
Order of the Phoenix is so much better as story telling goes. Those last three books were the best because they finally got to the good stuff that the first 3 books anticipated and the 4th one managed to almost completely ignore for nearly the whole movie.

Anyway, do you have them on DVD or are you watching them online?
Watched the documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed .... I do not really agree with all the points made in it, but it was well made.
I won't write anything new about Harry Potter after that one, I've been watching Harry Potter for 12 FUCKING HOURS without a break. (break=more than 2 minutes) Finished the 6th one :D

bearfan said:
Watched the documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed .... I do not really agree with all the points made in it, but it was well made.

It's well made, yes, other than being wrong. I really was disappointed in it. I used to love "Win Ben Stein's Money".
The main point I did agree with Ben on is the notion of "Settled Science" expecially on bigger picture issues.  Beyond Intelligent Design, you see this with climate debate and any alternate views show down out of hand based on settled science.  It was settled science in the late 60s/early 70s that the Earth was about to enter an ice age.  The Earth was flat, etc.  Even if one does not agree with alternate theories, shutting down debate is a horrible move and this type of stuff seems to be happening far too much for my liking, but in and out of the field of science.
It's not that science is interested in ending the debate. But for each incorrect assumption (such as...the Earth is flat) that we've moved on from, there are dozens that we have constantly reaffirmed. Such as the law of gravity. The way we express it has altered over the years, but we still believe in it.

If someone comes up with serious science, it'll be accepted. The problem is that the science that says, like, for climate change, that the currently projected thoughts are incorrect are simply bad science.

The beauty of science is that it does change when people find things are wrong. It happens on a daily basis, as we learn more about the universe. Otherwise, we'd still hold the opinions that the earth is flat. Or that we're still waiting for that ice age to come. The idea that science is shutting down the debate is just incorrect, as any number of scientists will tell you - scientists hate being proven wrong, but they also love it. Because being wrong is just as important to the advance of science as being right.
I agree with what you are saying, I think you are correct when it comes to many individual scientists, my issue is more with institutions the tend to look at political ramifications and try to be politically correct .. not just in science, but in History, Social Sciences, etc.  I went to an overall fairly conservative university in the early 90s (in relation to those nearby) and still saw a fair amount debate squashing in the Liberal Arts side of campus that was troubling to me and suspect the problem has not gotten any better.

When someone tries to interperet current events, past events, how life began, predict what will happen in the future ... none of this should ever be declared as "settled" IMO, and it is really the people declaring things as settled that I have a problem with. 
The Flash said:
I won't write anything new about Harry Potter after that one, I've been watching Harry Potter for 12 FUCKING HOURS without a break. (break=more than 2 minutes) Finished the 6th one :D

Eating my words, but repeating again : I won't write anything new about Harry Potter after that one  :bigsmile:

Completed the whole series in just two days, it was thrilling really. The final movie, Deathly Hallows - Part 2 is great. Now I can't stop myself from thinking about Harry Potter, looking at the wall seeing Hermione Granger, that kind of stuff. :lol: I won't lose that feeling in at least two more weeks, I think.

Standings of the movies :

1. Chamber of Secrets
2. Deathly Hallows - Part 2
3. Deathly Hallows - Part 1
4. Prisoner of Azkaban
5. Philosopher's Stone
6. Goblet of Fire
7. Order of the Phoenix
8. Half-Blood Prince
Watched Captain America today. I read an article that said that of all the "origin" movies for the Avengers, Captain America got the shaft and while and entertaining movie, the action scenes were rather stifled. I liked it for the most part and I could see what the critic meant regarding the action scenes, they were mostly montages rather than action sequences.

I have mixed feelings over the movie, because they updated all the other character's stories setting them in present time. Captain America, however, stuck to it's roots and set it in WWII. I wanted to see Captain America fight in Afghanistan or even North Korea, but having it set in it's actual timeline was cool anyway.

In the grand scheme of things it is just another super soldier movie (See Universal Soldier with Jean Claude Van Dam or Soldier with Kurt Russell to name just two) and of course the last piece to the Avengers Puzzle.

How he made it to modern times is even dumber than the pseudo-science that made him a super soldier, but they needed an excuse to have him fight along the other super heroes. Decent flick.
Starting a Back To The Future marathon. A question that's been lingering all day is how did Doc meet Marty?!?
The Flash said:
Eating my words, but repeating again : I won't write anything new about Harry Potter after that one  :bigsmile:

Completed the whole series in just two days, it was thrilling really. The final movie, Deathly Hallows - Part 2 is great. Now I can't stop myself from thinking about Harry Potter, looking at the wall seeing Hermione Granger, that kind of stuff. :lol: I won't lose that feeling in at least two more weeks, I think.

Standings of the movies :

1. Chamber of Secrets
2. Deathly Hallows - Part 2
3. Philosopher's Stone
4. Deathly Hallows - Part 1
5. Prisoner of Azkaban
6. Goblet of Fire
7. Order of the Phoenix
8. Half-Blood Prince

Deathly Hallows Part 2 was awesome.