The problem isn’t really that they don’t release a «Powerslave 2», though people here would loose their minds by joy if they had managed to do something like that, the problem is that the new song is awful. Using the age excuse is insulting for the band actually, I won’t mention any other big bands but just go and listen to the song «the walls» by the, not so young, Flotsam&Jetsam to see how Maiden style music is done properly without sounding old or cliche.
A day and many listens later I still cant understand what this song wants to achieve and for whom it is exactly. It wants to be commercial , obviously, but for the rock/western/blues/whatever elements to work for a mainstream crowd the song must be fast and snappy. This is a slow, monolithic song with no changes in tempo and that makes its commercial melodies even more absurd. Now I actually like monolithic music , I am even into funeral doom, but for something like this to work the song must be heavy and have dark melodies not happy western/country stuff.
The song isn’t for metalheads, better avoid any metal Facebook group , the song isn’t really for mainstream audiences since they won’t get the plodding nature of it , the song is just a mash of weird ideas that would be better in a Smith solo album.
Oh and what is this theory about how this is like solo Dickinson, Definitely sounds nothing like what would belong in Accident of birth, chemical wedding or even tyranny of souls.