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Welcome, Judas!

Your liking of the Blaze albums is not very controversial on this forum at all. I love The X Factor and I like Virtual XI (one of my least favourite Maiden albums but that doesn't mean a whole lot).
Our mutual favourite bands besides Maiden are Priest, Death and some Helloween albums :). I also like Dave Murray a bit more than Adrian but he's still #2 because the best guitarist on the planet is Glenn Tipton :shred:.
Welcome, Judas!

Probably too complex for him to like.

Never said the FOTD album was my favourite :D (that would be SIT, BNW and Powerslave)

Indeed, I like The Fugitive too, it has really nice melody both in the verse and in the chorus.

If anything I could live without the AC/DC-style tracks From Here to Eternity and Chains of Misery. And yeah, Fear is the Key is a bit overlong. But overall I like the album. Very atypical of Maiden, going maybe in too many directions, but it has its charm and I tend to listen to it more often than the first two, DOD, VXI, NPFTD or even TNOTB (because I know that one backwards, except for maybe Gangland and Total Eclipse). Be Quick or Be Dead is nearly thrash-level-aggresive, ATSS and FOTD are good epics with quite unique atmosphere, at least to me (but I can't quite put my finger on it), Wasting Love is really good as far as ballads go (and I hear some definite Out of the Shadows influences there), Judas Be My Guide is probably my favourite short song by IM and so on.

Take Weekend Warrior - it's a genuinely weird song and it might not sound like Maiden at all to some... yet it's fun. I don't mind weird.
As I said - the album's not perfect, but that just might be the reason I like it. It has IMHO a very unique atmosphere. And everybody and their brother seem to hate it nowadays, which I think is a bit unfair. :)
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Welcome to the Family JudasMyGuide!

I like Blaze Bayley and his work with Maiden, I believe the second album was weaker than the previous but it wasn't a terrible album, I enjoy all iron maidens songs, Its the way they create story's and fantasy's in your head which i love and i love all there showmanship. I am going to watch Blaze live in 2 weeks and very excited to see him again, Blaze's voice since departing Maiden has got better and better and he took what he learnt from being in Maiden and built on it.

I think Janick is great, Would love to meet him in real life like the rest of the band as i am sure he's a top bloke , Don't think he is too bad at solo's but i really enjoy what he has added to maiden's live shows.

FOTD like all the albums is kick ass !

Welcome Again Blood Brother !
Hello everyone! I'm from Czech Republic (Prague, to be specific :whogivesafuck: ) and I have been a Maiden fan since I was 5 or 6 (thanks, pop). In addition to Maiden I really like metal (Priest, Metallica, Sabbath, Anthrax, Accept), my pet genre is probably progressive thrash (Toxik, Heathen, Voivod), but I also like extreme metal sans black (Death, Atheist, Cryptopsy, Nile, Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation…) :edmetal:
And yeah, power metal is good too, but only the good one - Blind Guardian, early Helloween (and some of the latter cuts, too), some Gamma Ray, the first two Avantasia albums... and my guilty pleasure, Rhapsody of Fire! :innocent: :D

Besides that I'm completely crazy about classic prog (Rush, Jethro Tull, Yes, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Gentle Giant), classic hard rock (Thin Lizzy, LedZep, Nazareth, Rainbow, UFO, Kiss, Scorpions) and so on.

And - of course - the Beatles. And the Hollies. And Bowie. And Lindisfarne. I really don't like to set boundaries, you see.

Putting music aside, in my spare time I love books (reading and trying to write - would like to be a writer one day), swimming, singing (used to be in a band, now I'm only pining for the glory days, boring everyone out of their minds :bigsmile: ) ...
I would love to try fencing one day, but no such luck so far... :fencing:

Some of my thoughts on Maiden are probably rather controversial:
- I like both Blaze and the albums he appeared on (the latter however much more than the former)
- I love Janick and really don't mind he "butchers" some of the H's solos live
- I like the FOTD album in its entirety (yes, INCLUDING Weekend Warrior and The Apparition; I could live without Chains of Misery, though). Yeah, I was born in the same year that album was. And yes, it's only a coincidence. ;)

And I don't think H is the greatest guitarist in the world (because Davey Murray is :p ).

And - being Czech - my English can sometimes be too heavy handed or whatever; I know it's not an excuse, but I do my best, so sorry if you feel as if it could be better :D

Greetings! I'm an American that lived in Přerov for 5 years between 1998-2003. You being in Praha maybe you know my friend Jan Morrison that owns the CD/LP shop on Narodni Ulice? I agree with you about the Blaze albums although I prefer X Factor even though The Clansman is my favorite Iron Maiden song.

What Czech music do you like? I like alot of 60's/70's Czechoslovak bands like Flamengo, Matadors, Atlantis, Modry Efekt, Prudy, Collegium Musicum, Fermata. I also have a massive collection of Eva Pilarova;

Greetings! I'm an American that lived in Přerov for 5 years between 1998-2003. You being in Praha maybe you know my friend Jan Morrison that owns the CD/LP shop on Narodni Ulice? I agree with you about the Blaze albums although I prefer X Factor even though The Clansman is my favorite Iron Maiden song.

What Czech music do you like? I like alot of 60's/70's Czechoslovak bands like Flamengo, Matadors, Atlantis, Modry Efekt, Prudy, Collegium Musicum, Fermata. I also have a massive collection of Eva Pilarova;


Hi there! That's great! The world is such a small place :D

That's one great collection :)

I'm wondering - did you attend the June 2000 Maiden show in Prague? I was a bit too wee back then, but my Dad went and he was blown away completely.

The reason I'm asking is because Bruce (and other groups as well) keeps saying Czechs are amazing audience and that they love to play here… which is a bit peculiar to me, because compared with the Brazilians or other nations we seem really calm to me. So I wanted to ask because you would be able to compare the Czech and the American audience (I don't know of anyone else who could) and tell me whether it's true or just plain flattery :-D

I know the shop you talk about, but unfortunately I don't know the owner.

The bands you name are really great - I wanted to recommend Collegium Musicum and Fermata, but I see you've already listed those :D If you like the 60s/70s style there are specific albums such as Kraska a zvire (The Beauty and the Beast) by Petr Novak or early albums by Olympic (up to the album Prazdniny na Zemi). And Jiří Schelinger - he's our 60s rock hero who died young :D

Besides that… interesting Czech bands are definitely Traband (I've heard the've already had some success in America and Japan, but they are somewhat weird - like alternative rock with brass instruments - but not ska!), the thrash band Arakain (but only the first albums with Aleš Brichta - then on it's pretty much shitty) and Pražský výběr… which are very unique band - imagine something like early Oingo Boingo, but without the horns.

Oh, and there are also Čechomor (Czech traditional music played with rock instruments… or an orchestra. They've actually recorded an album with Jaz Coleman! :) ).

If you're into funk, you might just as well try latter albums by J.A.R. (the last 3 or 4) or early albums by Monkey Business (the first 2 or 3).

However I don't listen to Czech music much and when I do it's usually one of the bands you mentioned or these few. Czech music is not that great if you're not into radio pop with rock instruments (Chinaski, Support Lesbiens), ska (Sto zvířat), Coldplay/Keane wannabes (Charlie Straight), singers/songwriters (Plíhal, Nohavica, Kryl, Schmitzer) or chanson (Hapka & Horáček, Hana Hegerová). :)
Oh, and one correction, Wally - I wrote "- I like both Blaze and the albums he appeared on (the latter however much more than the former)" - I meant I like more the albums themselves than Blaze. I didn't mean to say I like VXI more than TXF :D Of course TXF is better. :)
Hi there! That's great! The world is such a small place :D

That's one great collection :)

I'm wondering - did you attend the June 2000 Maiden show in Prague? I was a bit too wee back then, but my Dad went and he was blown away completely.

The reason I'm asking is because Bruce (and other groups as well) keeps saying Czechs are amazing audience and that they love to play here… which is a bit peculiar to me, because compared with the Brazilians or other nations we seem really calm to me. So I wanted to ask because you would be able to compare the Czech and the American audience (I don't know of anyone else who could) and tell me whether it's true or just plain flattery :-D

I know the shop you talk about, but unfortunately I don't know the owner.

The bands you name are really great - I wanted to recommend Collegium Musicum and Fermata, but I see you've already listed those :D If you like the 60s/70s style there are specific albums such as Kraska a zvire (The Beauty and the Beast) by Petr Novak or early albums by Olympic (up to the album Prazdniny na Zemi). And Jiří Schelinger - he's our 60s rock hero who died young :D

Besides that… interesting Czech bands are definitely Traband (I've heard the've already had some success in America and Japan, but they are somewhat weird - like alternative rock with brass instruments - but not ska!), the thrash band Arakain (but only the first albums with Aleš Brichta - then on it's pretty much shitty) and Pražský výběr… which are very unique band - imagine something like early Oingo Boingo, but without the horns.

Oh, and there are also Čechomor (Czech traditional music played with rock instruments… or an orchestra. They've actually recorded an album with Jaz Coleman! :) ).

If you're into funk, you might just as well try latter albums by J.A.R. (the last 3 or 4) or early albums by Monkey Business (the first 2 or 3).

However I don't listen to Czech music much and when I do it's usually one of the bands you mentioned or these few. Czech music is not that great if you're not into radio pop with rock instruments (Chinaski, Support Lesbiens), ska (Sto zvířat), Coldplay/Keane wannabes (Charlie Straight), singers/songwriters (Plíhal, Nohavica, Kryl, Schmitzer) or chanson (Hapka & Horáček, Hana Hegerová). :)

I've never seen Iron Maiden live. I was a huge fan in the early 80's when Killers first came out. I drifted away from them between POM and Powerslave. Don't ask me why. About two years ago I picked up vinyl copies of 7th Son and Powerslave and that reignited my interest [now love] of them.

I have that Petr Novak LP you mention, Kraska a zvire. Yeah, that's a good one. You wouldn't necessarily think by the cover that it's the prog masterpiece that it is. I originally bought it because I knew of Petr from George & Beatovens. Prazky Vyber I didn't care for. I heard a few LPs of Jiri Schelinger with FR Cech. I thought their Black Sabbath covers were interesting. I really like FR Cech's cover of Ringo Starr's Back off Boogaloo.

I attended a few concerts in your country. I saw Colosseum in Zlin, also Prudy w/Marian Varga when they reformed. I even made an old school audience audio bootleg of Prudy! There is a famous Czech folk-rock group that I saw also but their name escapes me at the moment. They welded dechovka and rock. I also attended the Prerov Jazz Festival.

Thank you for not making fun of my interest in Eva Pilarova! My Czech friends all think she's uncool, old and best put to bed. :D
Hello all! New poster here...

First Maiden gig: Donington '88, most recent: London O2 Arena August '13, next one: Knebworth!
Seen them 17 times I think... There was a bit of a gap between 1992 and 2005...