Hello everyone! I'm from Czech Republic (Prague, to be specific

) and I have been a Maiden fan since I was 5 or 6 (thanks, pop). In addition to Maiden I really like metal (Priest, Metallica, Sabbath, Anthrax, Accept), my pet genre is probably progressive thrash (Toxik, Heathen, Voivod), but I also like extreme metal sans black (Death, Atheist, Cryptopsy, Nile, Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation…)

And yeah, power metal is good too, but only the good one - Blind Guardian, early Helloween (and some of the latter cuts, too), some Gamma Ray, the first two Avantasia albums... and my guilty pleasure, Rhapsody of Fire!
Besides that I'm completely crazy about classic prog (Rush, Jethro Tull, Yes, Pink Floyd, Genesis, Gentle Giant), classic hard rock (Thin Lizzy, LedZep, Nazareth, Rainbow, UFO, Kiss, Scorpions) and so on.
And - of course - the Beatles. And the Hollies. And Bowie. And Lindisfarne. I really don't like to set boundaries, you see.
Putting music aside, in my spare time I love books (reading
and trying to write - would like to be a writer one day), swimming, singing (used to be in a band, now I'm only pining for the glory days, boring everyone out of their minds

) ...
I would love to try fencing one day, but no such luck so far...
Some of my thoughts on Maiden are probably rather controversial:
- I like both Blaze and the albums he appeared on (the latter however much more than the former)
- I love Janick and really don't mind he "butchers" some of the H's solos live
- I like the FOTD album in its entirety (yes, INCLUDING Weekend Warrior and The Apparition; I could live without Chains of Misery, though). Yeah, I was born in the same year that album was. And yes, it's only a coincidence.
And I don't think H is the greatest guitarist in the world (because Davey Murray is

And - being Czech - my English can sometimes be too heavy handed or whatever; I know it's not an excuse, but I do my best, so sorry if you feel as if it could be better