Oh, God, this is embarassing. But here we go:
I have a dark and dirty secret. I'm going to be 38 years old in a few months, and I finally listened to my first Maiden record last week. There's a definite reason for this, but it's pretty boring, so you have been warned.
When I was 12, I was first exposed to Maiden by a group of punk kids whom I really didn't want to emulate in the slightest. I figured that, if these morons were Maiden fans, I wanted nothing to do with the band. I moved on to other stuff--Crue, WASP, Pantera, blah blah blah. And, anytime anybody asked me if I listened to Maiden, I'd just tell them no. I had no interest. Didn't like them at all.
I got a lot of funny looks, as you can imagine.
A friend of mine, however, realized that there was a wrong to be righted in this world. When I told him I wasn't interested in Maiden, he basically said to me, "Look, you're my friend, so I have to tell you: you're a fucking idiot. Go out and buy Powerslave RIGHT NOW and listen to it. Put on some headphones and listen to it, start to finish, with no interruptions. If you're still convinced that there's no reason to be a Maiden fan, then so be it--although I may disown you forever."
Thank God for friends who tell you when you're being stupid, right? I wouldn't get anywhere in the world without 'em.
I've been a Maiden fan for a week now. I picked up Powerslave first, then ran right out and bought Somewhere in Time. Picked up Killers, too, just to hear the early stuff. I love 'em all.
But I gotta say: Somewhere In Time is a GODDAMNED MUSICAL MASTERPIECE. Holy Shit. "Sea of Madness"...I can listen to that over and over again. In fact, I put that one track on repeat for about two hours the other day.
So here I am, making up for 20+ lost years of fantastic metal. I've been listening with the headphones on and cranked up to alarming levels, while poring over the album covers in detail. Even drew a picture of Eddie. Figured that joining a Maiden forum was the next logical step, although I really gotta find some hi-res, album-sized scans of the art for Somewhere In Time. These tiny CD covers ain't doing them justice, I can tell.
Now all I gotta do is figure out how to get my ass in a seat for this year's world tour. My favorite Maiden album...being performed in concert AGAIN! I missed it the first time--won't miss it this time.
My wife, by the way, thinks I'm nuts. I'm sure she's getting tired of the same three albums being played nonstop. Poor girl. Guess I'll need to go out and pick up another Maiden record, just to mix it up a little.