New album: The Final Frontier!

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Man, if you keep this way, you're going well. Ahahahahahahahahahahah...

Talking about the topic - those inner sleeve drawings are awesome and they tell a story 'cos the girl Eddie's in love is an alien girl.

Man, only 2 weeks 'til The Final Frontier!!! :edmetal:
Jeffmetal said:
Man, if you keep this way, you're going well. Ahahahahahahahahahahah...

Talking about the topic - those inner sleeve drawings are awesome and they tell a story 'cos the girl Eddie's in love is an alien girl.

Man, only 2 weeks 'til The Final Frontier!!! :edmetal:

Hmmm...wait a minute, actually you laughed when I said "Terrible CGI Effort of Death" referring to "Dance of Death". So I guess it wasn't the first time for me  :bigsmile:
Khan said:
Yeah, but since I've held the product in my hand...that definitely makes it 100%

Cool man! I'm pretty positive myself, just being somewhat careful when telling others. On the Brazilian forum, for instance, most fans are totally skeptic about the images. I'm guessing it's because the drawings are so mindblowing and yet they seem unfinished when compared to all other Maiden artwork
Haha Hallowed, I inadvertently read that in Tommy Wiseau's voice (For any of you who have had the pleasure of encountering 'The Room').

'We'll see aboat dat.'
*walks down stairs and then back up*
'We'll see aboat dat.'

Nice one Tommy.

Back on topic: I am praying that all the '13th Aug' release dates I'm seeing are in-store and not just online.
I have also constructed a countdown in my school diary and the highlight of each day is crossing out the previous day and knowing I'm one day closer to TFF.
I have also discovered a new band and am downloading songs like crazy, which is helping me survive.
AH! ok,i think we all are counting the days ! BTW,its been 20 years since i discovered maiden and here i am 32 years old,excited like the first time.Mighty band. :ok:
Thats O.K> Im 41 and here I am feeling like a kid before Xmas...  My wife thinks Im nuts. I love it - nostalgia!

BTW - before any of you say anything, I am changing the avatar. Just a joke - go back a few pages if you want to know why I chose it!!
LogJam said:
Haha Hallowed, I inadvertently read that in Tommy Wiseau's voice (For any of you who have had the pleasure of encountering 'The Room').

'We'll see aboat dat.'
*walks down stairs and then back up*
'We'll see aboat dat.'

Nice one Tommy.

"I did nawt hit her, I did nawt, that's bullshit, I did nawt hit her, I did NAWT, oh hai Mark!"

:lol: :lol: Tommy Wiseau is the greatest actor ever.
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