New album: The Final Frontier!

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Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
Ya, they were working on this album called Majesty of Gaia and Steve didn't like the direction it was going so he decided to quit the band.

Majesty Of Gaia is my favorite Maiden album ever, so many good songs to choose from;

Heaven's Gate
Cardinal Sin
Everyone's Illusion
Fallen Empire
King Of The Desert
Conveyor Of Truth
He Who Laughs Last
Majesty Of Gaia

They're all so good.
HallowedBeMyName said:
And Dennis Stratton replacing Adrian Smith. The band feels it is the right move.
I agree. Oh, I just read that Nicko will be playing INSANE double bass on every song and that there won't be a song longer than 5 minutes, however, there will be a total of 16 songs so we'll get a full 80 minutes. Thank God they dropped that Final Frontier project. I'm about 99789798744687 times more pumped for this!
That's because H said to Steve, you retired because you don't seem to understand one word i say... so he bought Maiden rights and then go out fishing while playing all the instruments on his boat. That's why it's called the final frontier, because his boat sunk after Bruce shouted to him "Hey, reach out, why you're fighting your friends ?".

Fortunately, Bruce and Nicko were preparing themselves to swim in the very same lake H was fishing and Nicko saved the master tape in the last moment.
Don't forget, James Hetfield joined as to replace Dennis Stratton and Dennis Wilcock on rhythm guitar and lead vocals, and Dave Mustaine replaced Dave Murray on lead guitar, and Cliff Burton came back from Heaven and replace Steve. They put their differences behind them and became Megalliga!
Also, Slash, Angus Young, and Jimmy page have joined so they'll have 5 guitar players total and they're trying to get Neil Peart and Slipknots drummer in as well.
LooseCannon said:
Do I need to split the last 3-4 pages and move them to Madness?
No ? Well I mean if your asking, then, No. I have a feeling your being rhetorical though, in which case... maybe?
I'm not actually splitting it. I was just gently urging you guys back on topic, since the thread is used for serious discussion and n00bs/lurkers may read it for real information :p
Invisible said:
Yeah I'm definitely a believer. But these images resemble sketches, and 3 of them are very similar (Eddie's head), which makes little sense. That's why I would tell others about this as a 99% confirmation. Anyway, denial mode is more like WTF mode, 'cause dude, WTF are these drawings about?!?!

Yeah, but since I've held the product in my hand...that definitely makes it 100%
HallowedBeMyName said:
No, Nicko couldn't do the double bass right, so they had Lars Ulrich replace him.

That one made my day!!! Can't stop laughing! I read 2 of the funniest things on this forum: this phrase and new Bruce's nickname - Dicko. Ahahahahahahahahahahahah... :lol:
Jeffmetal said:
That one made my day!!! Can't stop laughing! I read 2 of the funniest things on this forum: this phrase and new Bruce's nickname - Dicko. Ahahahahahahahahahahahah... :lol:

I think that was the first time I'd made someone laugh  :p
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