New album: The Final Frontier!

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How do watermarks work anyway? If anyone uses Adobe Auditon and records the real-time soundcard output... this would create a completely new file. Same for the mic & speakers...

Wouldn't these watermarks be a detectable frequency in the music itself? They could put that on promos.
Ya, I have no idea how they work. They must be very hard to bypass or we probably would have seen a leak. Also, EMI must really put a scare people they give promo copies to.
Invisible said:
How do watermarks work anyway? If anyone uses Adobe Auditon and records the real-time soundcard output... this would create a completely new file. Same for the mic & speakers...

Wouldn't these watermarks be a detectable frequency in the music itself? They could put that on promos.

There are two types of watermarks that are used.  The embedded frequency method which embeds information about whose copy it originally was that can be extracted by the record company if it leaks (they rarely ever use this to pursue legal action against the person who leaked their copy but that person will never receive another promo, and it helps the record company refine their strategies).  The other method is the watermark that is spoken over the song every minute or so where it will say something like, "This copy was sent to John Smith and is the property of EMI records".   It appears no promotional copies of TFF were ever sent to anyone and all listening has been done at a location chosen by and under the supervision of EMI.  Though it would appear that the site that put up the samples had access to the album unless they were given the samples by management and just put them up before they were supposed to.

One thing of note about a leak that some seem to be forgetting is that the German release date for this album is actually August 13th so the album will leak no later than the 11th in all likelihood.  Also leaked albums are often available for days before they hit the mainstream sites.  They usually start being passed around through IRC channels, and then make their way to private tracker invite only credit based sites like What.CD before they make an appearance on the more well known public sites.
Ya, it was quite a shocker when a store started selling Death Magnetic 3 weeks early. Also, I'll never forget when Megadeth's World Needs A Hero and Disturbed's 10,000 Fists leaked around 2 months in advance!
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
Ya, it was quite a shocker when a store started selling Death Magnetic 3 weeks early. Also, I'll never forget when Megadeth's World Needs A Hero and Disturbed's 10,000 Fists leaked around 2 months in advance!

Yeah, I think for the most part the days of 2 month early leaks are over.  Fewer companies are sending out promos and those that do are sending them out much later.  As far as the Death Magnetic issue, I was not aware of that, but I would assume someone dropped the ball badly on that as usually the CD's aren't shipped to stores more than a few days early.  

Of course none of that has stopped me from keeping my fingers crossed and scouring my normal haunts and bothering my contacts looking for a copy.  And I've got 4 copies of TFF ordered, so while it doesn't give me a right to grab it early I won't feel guilty either.   :)
I figure that as long as you either pre-order or plan to buy an album when it comes out and if the band comes to your area, you support them by seeing them and buying a t-shirt or 2, you have all the right in the world to get an early copy if it becomes available.
Invisible said:
Thanks for all the info. Looks like this won't come from a promo. Anyway, CDUniverse has been showing this for about a month:

Release Date  New Iron Maiden CD release date Aug 10, 2010

I think that is mostly likely a mistake.  But I believe all German new releases are on Fridays, and every German website whether it's or some small shop we've never heard of all have the 13th listed as the release date.  AMOLAD was also released on the Friday prior to the rest of the worlds release date.
Here's another German site that has samples that no longer play.

That leads me to believe the samples came from Maiden and were just not supposed to be used yet, as opposed to one of these online shops actually having a physical copy and making their own samples.
Oh ya, to Twarkle and Invisible:
Well, it will certainly leak, one way or another. Since there are no promo copies distributed, someone inside stores will just upload it. Might leak very few days before launch, but still a leak! I am counting on our German friends!
Hell, I can`t wait for August 16th. To me El Dorado is really refreshing song and The Final Frontier gives a little taste of Bruce in his top shape,especially on the verses. AMOLAD is my personal favorite album and I really wonder can this beat it.

Yes, I know that this stuff is age old subject but I wanted to share my opinions and hopes about the new album,simply because I`m new
on the forum. And the forum is awesome,and also the commentaries are outstanding!

Well the thing about the leaks..It`s a good thing that it still hasn't leaked yet. Well obviously the later it leaks the better for the record companies I guess. But if it happens,I doubt that real fans won`t go and buy the album. But imo,I just want to hold the booklet in my hands and read the lyrics and go through the pictures and artwork while listening and discovering new song. It˙s a real adventure I think.

My apologies to the mods about this random post.  ::)
i honestly dont give a **** about the record companies, as you said, i will buy the album. Infact, i already pre-ordered it. but the sooner i can hear new stuff i will! XD
It's gonna leak in a few days. I pre-ordered my copy from Amazon. Travis, relax man... I know how hard you've been over this new album, don't worry, you're gonna hear it soon. I can't wait either. Am I expecting something amazing? No way. Am I still looking forward to hearing it? Of course. It's Maiden. But they've lost their edge since they got Kevin Shirley's lame ass production.
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
I don't need to expect it to be amazing because I KNOW it'll be amazing! :edmetal:

I don't know why but I am more excited about this album than I have been since awaiting NPFTD (which ended up being a disappointment for me).
Twarkle said:
I don't know why but I am more excited about this album than I have been since awaiting the release of NPFTD (which ended up being a disappointment for me).
After hearing the samples (I've heard just 2-3 times and will keep it this way), I must say that WTWWB and Talisman are sounding quite promising even excelent but these are just 30 sec samples, so it's impossible to make any conclusions e.g. if FTGGOG soft intro(which is awesome) would have been sample, (maybe it was I don't remeber :blush:) we still couldn't predict that the chorus is 8x for the greater good of god. Anyway, my point is that it's hard to predict how good the song will be just based on sample. I think that it's quite plausible that WTWWB chorus is 4x/8x when the wild wind blows . It might not ruin the song, but I would like to hear more interesting chorus than just line repeat. Hopefully the album
which already has one song with a one-line chorus repeation :(
has fewer one-line choruses than AMOLAD, what is my only complaint for this otherwise great record.    
BTW FTGGOG is one of my favourites on AMOLAD, altough it could even better with a different chorus.
There are a few people on the official Iron Maiden Fan Club who have the lyrics for the album already and someone said and I quote:

"Seen the lyrics for the songs now, and I will just say that all you people that always complain about their lyrics/choruses being too repetitious.....well, you'll just have to find something else to complain about this time."

So I'm guessing that wont be the case. As for The Final Frontier, I actually think that the repeated one line chorus works really well! It's catchy and doesn't ruin the song one bit. But that's not the case with For The Greater Good Of God...but it's still a good song.
dhmaiden said:
There are a few people on the official Iron Maiden Fan Club who have the lyrics for the album already and someone said and I quote:

"Seen the lyrics for the songs now, and I will just say that all you people that always complain about their lyrics/choruses being too repetitious.....well, you'll just have to find something else to complain about this time."

So I'm guessing that wont be the case. As for The Final Frontier, I actually think that the repeated one line chorus works really well! It's catchy and doesn't ruin the song one bit. But that's not the case with For The Greater Good Of God...but it's still a good song.

I saw that too DH and I hope those guys are correct, but I was thinking it's also possible that the choruses repeat but they only print the line once or twice in the booklet instead of 18 times.  I hope they are right though.
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