New album: The Final Frontier!

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AMOLAD is long just for the sake of it. That's the problem. And I can say is that now, I like the album as a whole much much better than when it came out (specially The Pilgrim and The Legacy). The samples already left me in doubt about it, back in the day and I have a mystical thing with wonder it's my least fave album of the band.

Now, with The Final Frontier samples, I'm utterly excited!!!
imo AMOLAD is the first album without fillers since SSOASS and that to me is quite an acomplishment and that is one of the many reasons it is my 3rd favorite album. So far I think TFF will steal that spot. Actually I would like an album like DOD without all the fillers
IMO, BNW and DOD had no fillers. Actually, the only albums that I think have fillers are the first 2, No Prayer, FOTD and Virtual XI and on Virtual, the only filler is TAATG.
That's the point with AMOLAD - all songs are really strong, but they're badly arranged and developed. All lyrics were squeezed into it. Although I still didn't listen to The Final Frontier, I feel since day one that it's the album AMOLAD should've been 'cos it seems there's a lot of changes to fit the lyrics in interesting fashion rather than the insanely boring repetition like on For The Greater Good Of God, Lord Of Light and The Longest Day (these repetitions are as bad as The Angel And The Gambler. They killed these songs, turning them into some of Maiden's most badly arranged songs).
well dod had gates of tomorrow and bnw had mercanary and that, imho is a filler
that just sounded... wrong....  back on topic how do albums get leaked?
don't they have to sign something that says they won't do that?
Maybe, but that doesn't always stop them. ;)
Jeffmetal said:
Of course, man. The album will still be released, so I got the chance to listen to it.
Got the chance? You don't mean...........a leak? This is the 3rd time you've got me going! :)
Damn, he's offline, but I think he meant he'll get the chance when it's released.
Mosh said:
don't they have to sign something that says they won't do that?

As far as i know, each different promo copy has a watermark, so when its leaked they will know who did it. I dont know how long peopel usually take to remove watermarks, but as i heard, security on this album is so tight that they didnt even distributed promo copies this time :/
well if promo cd's are released for critics that wasn't the case for TFF as they went to special listening sessions held by EMI.
Yeah. Ahahahahahahahahahahahah... I mean I have the chance to listen still 'cos it'll leak and it'll be released, yet. If I had the album leaked already with me, I'd have gave links to everybody, via PM. :edmetal:
If I get it, I'll do the same of course. Also, If I were given a promo copy with watermarks, I would find a way to remove them. Hell, you could put external mics up to speakers and record it in real time. If done well enough, it would sound pretty good.
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