New album: The Final Frontier!

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Couldn't resist and heard the samples. Some thoughts:

Satellite 15...The Final Frontier - Reminds me of this: (Fucking creepy and fantastic!!!). The Final Frontier is a simple, but captivating opener. Simply great solos and guitar tones!!! I'm loving it!!!

El Dorado - This, we all know. Like the song a lot!!!

Mother Of Mercy - Slow build up, but different from the usual. Sounds a lot like something coming from Seventh Son. Seems to be a huge anthem!!!

Coming Home - Probably the verse part is on the sample, and reminds me of R101 from Skunkworks sessions. I'm almost certain I'll love it 'cos I do love R101 (funny that R101 is a kind of Zeppelin and Coming Home is about flying, too)!!!

The Alchemist - Sounds like Helloween (Kiske era), a bit of Silver Wings. Probably a great simple, catchy and fast song.

Isle Of Avalon - Reminded me of the last part of Cathedral's The Voyage Of The Homeless Sapiens. I listen some birds flying and whistling. Very proggy stuff, in major and dissonant tones. The vibe of this part enhances the soul!!! Can't wait for it!!!

Starblind - Weird division in 4/4 and apparently 5/4. Sounds like something new for Maiden, but it retains a vibe from a song that could be on POM. I feel it could've been a bit faster, more galloping. Sounds great, anyway!!!

The Talisman - The key seems to be the same as The Legacy (D), but the song has 9 minutes. This is the less revealing sample.

The Man Who Would Be King - Slow piece (probably intro), but it's something new, fresh. Again, very Seventh Son!!!

When The Wild Wind Blows - Man, what a wonderful melody!!! Seems like something that could certainly be on The X Factor!!! Just from the beginning, it seems to be a classic, already!!!

Man, come the August 16th!!! UP THE FUCKING IRONS!!! :edmetal:
This is used for more than 30 years as the opening of a TV programme on Rede Globo, here in Brasil, called Globo Repórter. This song is one of the most eerie stuff ever composed. Mind blowing!!!
I still resist. Only heard Eldorado. Looking forward to buy the disc.

And the moment when I push play, having totally no idea what's going to happen.
When the Wild Wind Blows - Wow. I can tell that this song is going to be a complete and utter masterpiece, Bruce's voice combined with the soft, haunting melody... Incredible.
"The Man Who Would Be King" reminds me to "Still Life" in anyway... The only Murray's song from the album, sounds to me very close to the atmosphere from the song of Piece Of Mind...

But.... I just hear 30 seconds... so...hehe

UP THE IRONS from Brasil!  :edmetal:
I don't quite have the chance to listen, but OMG! YES! Audio samples!
I got mp3's of the samples and they're on my iPod. :D
Jeffmetal said:
That's the german site I was trying to remember. Every single time this site releases the samples, the album leaks in a matter of hours. Take my word for that. If it doesn't happen this time, it'll be a one off.
Now that makes me VERY excited! *Checks my sources every 5 minutes. ;)
This is shaping up to be a brilliant album.
I think the two songs that are standing out to me right now are Coming Home and When The Wild Wind Blows. I know they are only 30 second snippets, but I can't help but sing along to those two. :P
My younger brother made an interesting point. He says although Bruce sounds just as good as the 80's he's a lot harder to understand now. At least when he is going all out. Examples being  BTATS or the samples on this record. Like Coming Home, or Starblind.
Yeah. I found hard understanding the words on most samples. I heard these samples and they won't spoil any of the enjoyment of the new album. That's only 5:37 minutes of a 76:35 minutes long album. Unless you put it on loop mode on your pc, stereo or mp3 and keep listening 'til August '6th. I won't do it no way! It just got me more excited yet for this probable masterpiece! :shred:
Regarding the sound, I think these clips sound better (in terms of sonics) than AMOLAD did. 

The only way to confirm this of course was to listen to their AMOLAD samples and compare.  TFF sounds fuller and warmer to my ears.

Anyway, looks like the samples are gone and removed from youtube.  Less than 2 weeks to go now anyway, I don't want to spoil myself anymore for what I'm betting will be an absolute monster of an Iron Maiden album.
Im in Hong Kong and the HMV here are only getting it imported from UK, and its going to cost HK$335 for mission edition (Approx US$43).
Which is insanity.
I don't really mind paying any price for it, It is IRON MAIDENS NEW ALBUM, but they said it probably won't be in store until later than release date.

I know I will be tempted to download a leak or from itunes etc, like I did with AMOLAD, then buy the cd later.
But I really want the whole, buying cd, looking through the booklet as you discover new songs experience.

Trying my best to not listen to samples...must...hold....on..... :dancinggeek:
As I stated in another thread, I'm not going to listen to the samples, I'm just going to wait for the official release. The two songs were enough to hold me over, I want to listen to the rest of the album and have it take me by surprise  :) Reading a few posts, I can hardly wait!
Mosh said:
how much will the mission edition cost in USD?
The youtube link has been removed, but I have mp3's of the samples if anyone is interested.
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