New album: The Final Frontier!

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Prisoner Of Maiden said:
Ahhh crap! I'm going to be up north with no internet or electricity from the 15th to the 19th. If that is the video for the song I'm already extremely impressed!

No problem then, the video will premiere on the 13th, you'll have two days to enjoy it!
Looks neat. Song teaser sounds fine to me too. Graphics aren't great, but it doesn't seem to rely entirely on it, so hey.
Looks like this video got a much bigger budget then their previous videos. My favorite Maiden video is the fan made video for BTATS.
The new song seems to be a old school hard rock type track similar to El Dorado. It got me excited.
Oh crap I thought it said the 15th, YES! lol I cant wait to go up north without electricity or running water strictly beer, bbq and fire in the middle of nowhere with my best friends! I guess its a Canadian thing  :P.
Nice sound in deed  :)

The chorus it seemed to me crap at the first listen, it has however grown on me at the second  :D

And what is this dude saying ? Control, this is cleaner six ?? And who's this dude by the way ??
It's probably a little too early to tell, but so far the vocal both on El Dorado, and the very short snippet from "Final Frontier" seem a bit dry and strained.  And they don't really seem high enough to be strained.  Hopefully that's just intentional for the songs, and a side effect of compression of MP3.  Bruce's voice is obviously in top shape from the vids floating around of the new tour.
Jeffmetal said:

Good interview, thanks for posting!
Good to see Steve answer the set list moaning in much the same way us diehard fans would-

Yeah, the last two tours we did a lot of the older stuff, so we’re doing a lot of stuff now off the last three or four albums. There will be a couple of oldies, but we like to mix it up. It keeps it fresh for us and for the audience, I think. Sometimes you get people that moan that they didn’t hear ‘The Trooper’ or whatever, but they could have heard that on pretty much every other tour. It’s just one of those things.
The new Eddie looks like an Elite from the Halo games :bigsmile:
One more french review, this one by people who were listening to the music and left the meal for post listening session.

After the episode "Countdown" on the official website for us to wait before discovering the album cover, the huge promotional machine Iron Maiden gets truly underway by Wednesday, July 7 by listening in the premises of the record company (EMI) of the much anticipated "The Final Frontier!
After a short wait in the lobby, allowing everyone to enjoy the cool and classy appearance of the premises, we (representatives of press, radio and webzines) are invited to join the auditorium. But before entering into it, the key word is SAFETY. Each participant must sign a contract of sorts spreading over two pages all the commitments it makes in return for listening (basically, it takes three words: NOT LEAK!). After filing the entry all electronic equipment (portable, recorder, iPod, camcorder, GPS, electric toothbrush toaster etc..) We are entering a dark room decorated with the colors of this new album whose cover is projected onto a large screen. Surprise, a welcome buffet breakfast is offered to us (at my age, eating and drinking are the two ultimate criteria for judging an activity whatsoever!).
After an hour of discussion varied (Hellfest, Boutin, tour Maiden, concerts in Paris, etc..) it is now time to discover this fifteenth installment of the Iron Maiden, swung into a powerful sound system (hence a first impression that inevitably will differ somewhat from what we can do at home from 16 August)
Go for a title by title, not necessarily very sharp, plus a plethora of impressions:

01) Satellite 15...The Final Frontier
With a big sound coming from very far the album starts with a martial rhythm and always presents drumming.
Very different compared to the openers of the last few albums this song is pretty much divided in two parts. It starts with a very powerful and heavy part with the singing that try to find space in a powerful atmosphere.
At mid song there's a more rock part in the classic iron maiden style with the refrain (The final frontier) repeated 4 times each time doubled with a melodic guitar. The three amigos play a part of solos in a style that we'll find many other times on the album.
soundwise Kevin shirley put spotlights on Nicko.

02) El Dorado
Already available for free download on the band's website, this first single does not quite convinced me but the fact remains that there with a big sound, it is quite effective! A cavalcade of low so typical of Steve Harris coupled with a riff that makes me (a little) recalls that of "Scream Until You Like It" Wasp to start the machine and place under an atmosphere close enough to what the group We proposed to "Brave New World" and especially "Dance of Death" to the instrumental part that it refers directly to the period "Powerslave". This title, with its variations of intensity alright live (expect to reread this several times) even for Bruce, it will not be a pleasure because the rise in the treble is awesome on the chorus (which the ultra catchy melody're not).

03) Mother Of Mercy
After a short intro where guitars create a light and melodic atmosphere Nicko gets in and we find a big and powerful rhythm tipically Iron Maiden. The solos are superbs and personally I absolutely love the chorus which should delight the fans.The bass offers some awesome moments and the song flows really well and fluid. The end is pretty immediate and this leads us well into the next song.

04) Coming Home
In the intro guitars and bass play a calm but yet convoluted theme.Then it starts a sort of ballad which alternates arpeggio acustic parts and electric guitar parts. The structure of the song it's repeated twice along with the chorus until the intro part is played again flowing into a sort of "aerial" solo (with 7th son style sonorities)followed by a faster and more rageful solo. Certains links into the song reminds me of Dream Theater (thanks kevin shirley)

05) The Alchemist
Fast and speedful start with the bass that goes everywhere. The classical fast Iron Maiden song with a 200 kilometres per hour solos followed by twin guitars. Direct, simple and efficace with a sudden end.

06) Isle Of Avalon
After a bass/guitar intro (as often in the epic tracks of the band) Bruce sings in a theatrical and intimate way (a sort of narration in the shadow).
We can feel this is going to get heavy, the atmosphere is superb and reminds the one of "rime of the ancient mariner".
And in fact as the storm goes on, it gets really hard and heavy. Atmosphere of the 80's is all over this song: Nicko is everywhere, the solo starts in a prog-tastic way (quite innovative for the group).
A drawer construction this part has beautiful breaks, fantastic solos everywhere that fly on the songs and reach very deep areas, this song is an epic one with an imperial Bruce (with a difficult chorus to sing live).
A fantastic song.

07) Starblind
Another quiet intro with an always present singing (maybe a bit too much sometimes). After the storm of the previous song I have some difficulties to get into this, until it gets to the solo (again in 7th son atmosphere). After another break a big riff gets the machine going again with another solos storm. The rhythm, now brutal, now softer shows a great job for this song that it's like a sort of musical rollercoaster.
We can find a prog side à la "somewhere in time". Maiden have a great time here, the production is very powerful although there are sometimes too many elements in this dense song which is perhaps hard to digest and fully comprehend with one listen.

08) The Talisman
Imagine Bruce beside a fire, accompanied by an acoustic guitar with a sublime sound, telling you a story (a bit like in Dance of death) and you will have an idea of the intro to this eight song.
But you'll get the idea of the intro only because the song gets really hugely "in your face". All the musicians are really into it and let themselves go until the chorus, which gets lighter.
Suddenly, we have joy and the happiness, with a guitar leak that it's going to be singed by everyone at the concert (it's repeated more than once during the song). Typical post 2000 maiden song. A great song although like some others it's a bit longer than it should be. Again a great performance by Bruce.

09) The Man Who Would Be King
Another long song in the classic maiden construsction style (quiet intro with a soft guitar theme with then beginning with heavy guitar chords and twin guitars while Nicko makes full use of his drums).
Intensity grows progressively. The solo parts are again very beautiful with a an unusual drumming compared to the standard of the band. Another time there are guitars everywhere. On the other side i struggle a bit with the chorus a bit too charged for my taste. Another epic song but the density of the album starts giving me difficulties to my judgement abilities now.

10) When The Wild Wind Blows
A song that breaks up with the rest of the album for its perky side. On the intro, accompanied by the wind, Bruce sings very very low (it's going to rest his vocals on stage). Even with the arrive of the heavy guitars the atmoshpere is still very light and this song it's going to make the audience jump (the audience will exploit this part to retake the chorus "Don't you know?")
The second part of the song it's more epic avec six strings part that will reminds us of Blood Brothers and FEar of the dark. Nicko hits heavy again, with many counter-times.
The verses contain a lots of tension which is released on power chords at the end, which is accompanied by the souund of the wind.

Woah! A dense album with a lot of very distincts references to 2 perios of the band (late 80s and beginning of 2000) with some new elements (rhythm constructions, solos etc).
Iron Maiden let themselves go and offered us a more accessible album than "A matter of life and death". A group of songs that should go really well live although I always feel that some of them tends to get a bit too long.
A bit more of spontaneity and shortness wouldn't have been bad. But we have to be happy to have seen Iron Maiden 2010 in a fantastic shape and very inspired!

In fact, I dutifully listened to the album while taking notes, result: the buffet had been completely devastated when I got close! It's ugly guys prefer to listen rather than Grailler Maiden !

Thank you to Peter, AT (h) OME for the guest and the host (the next time I start with the buffet!)

Translated From French To English

Here the Website - ... review=741

By the way, the sample on The Final Frontier video clip sounds like pure classic Maiden!!! :edmetal:
The first sentence of the Talisman review has got me very excited! :yey:

Also, the clip of teh Fnial Frontier video looks freakin awesome! I would swear it was a movie trailer. Not to mention the song sounds cool, I just hope the chorus is more than Bruce repeating "the final frontier"...
Sorry, but my home PC has spell-check built into the browser so I'm used to getting little red lines under misspelled words. That's one of the few times I've misspelled some words and my post gets edited, ridiculing me? WTF
It's only "the" misspelled that triggers that particular replacement. I think Perun added that one. It's like Mav and Maverick.
Ahhh, I see. Yeah people misspelling "the" always bothered me until I started doing it myself. :blush:

Edit: The Final Frontier teaser looks so professional, it's like a movie trailer. I can't wait. This may have been brought up, but does anybody know that actor?
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