Ancient Mariner
Yeah, he needs to write some better solos. Like that fantastic one of Dave's on QFF.
LOLIt won't change my opinion that Adrian is an highly overrated songwriter, unable to write some decent stuff on his own, Wasted Years, Stranger and SeA of Madness beeing the only exceptions.
What a deception. I was hoping for something else than just another second-hand album. It won't change my opinion that Adrian is an highly overrated songwriter, unable to write some decent stuff on his own, Wasted Years, Stranger and SeA of Madness beeing the only exceptions. They should keep all this countdown stuff for Maiden stuff.
That guy needs a slap. Maiden really need to handle things like this better. This did not need a teaser on the web site and that fucktard on twitter needs to STFU. What a tool.The guy who does Iron Maiden's twitter page says "We didn't hype it, you guys did".
By people you mean me and I stand by it. Tool! We've been starved of news and then we get a teaser. Doesn't matter if it's two weeks, two days or two hours a teaser was not needed. Just a standard announcement would've done for this. Tool tool tool!!!!!!!!!!!Yes Mr. Twitter is right. You guys overhyped it. It was a small banner that hinted toward H's project anyway. Even on Twitter, the guy giving hints of what it was about and people still thought it was an album or DVD or something, when he said several times it wasn't. Now people are calling this guy a tool? If it was a giant countdown on the site then sure, I could understand, but it was just a small banner that lasted two days.
Some people need a timeout.
Harsh... its not that bad and theres no problem with a bit of groove, im starting to get into the lyrical side of it now. its something new but it isnt badWhat a pile of garbage. probably took them about 10 mins to come up with music n lyrics. Its just one repetitive groove and some snakey song on top of that. They cant really have been putting any effort into this. And peaople who actually like this, wtf do you find appealing?? Maiden wouldnt even put it up as a B-side.