Mysterious News Announcement on the Official site...


Ancient Mariner
I quote:
"Something of Primal interest to all Maiden fans....

Monday 2nd January 9PM GMT"

Any thoughts?

EDIT: Adrian Smith's side project, Primal Rock Rebellion, have released their debut song "I See Lights". A link can be found on
I guess we'll hear touring plans and a rough estimation of when the next studio album will be recorded.
My first guess would be a release date for The Final Frontier DVD, but the pre-announcement on the site perhaps suggests that it's something more important. I certainly hope so!
"Its not a tour announcement and its not a DVD announcement either. It will be something brought to you by the letter H...." (--the Twitter quote)
Hallowed Be Thy Tour.

Maiden has been reading all the top songs on the Maidenfans site, and has decided to create a tour based on the top 15 songs we have chosen here over the years.
I hope it's that, mckindog. I am waiting 10 years (he announced it around 1999/2000)

And this came from the Twitter page as well:
"Oh FFS people, we wouldn't tease bad news, would we. Really, some of you are so negative!"

So, we do not need to worry. :)