Misheard lyrics

Dozed off during "Empire of the Clouds" and instead: the coxswain stared heard: four cocks were squared. Interesting scene.
Not a set of lyrics as such: what is being said over the intro of "The Number of the Beast" on A Real Dead One? It seems to end with "is it do mi fal sol" but it doesn't make any sense! :facepalm::D Help!
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It's been brought up numerous times already, but yeah, I'm another person who first heard "through the fucking ice" in Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Took me a few listens before I figured out what it was. :p
Fog and fuck is one of those phonetic similarities that artists use intentionally when they want to sing a dirty word with plausible deniability. For instance, "Apeman" by The Kinks has a line about how "the air pollution is foggin' up my eyes".