Misheard lyrics

I've just remembered a good one. Introduction to The Trooper from Live After Death - as a kid, short time after being introduced to Maiden, I literally thought he's saying: Here's a song of Peter *something, surname probably* and the song is called The Trooper. I was really puzzled and wondering what was the meaning of that. "Did this Peter person write that song or what?"
"alright these three have those hear te zi we gebi eh gibo - yeah - ooh" : this is what Bruce's introduction of "Run to the Hills" Live After Death (CD) STILL sounds like today for me! English is not my native tongue but I have been speaking it for 20+ years though. :facepalm:
"alright these three have those hear te zi we gebi eh gibo - yeah - ooh" : this is what Bruce's introduction of "Run to the Hills" Live After Death (CD) STILL sounds like today for me! English is not my native tongue but I have been speaking it for 20+ years though. :facepalm:
Re-up: can somebody tell me what he actually says, please? :)
LAD, the intro the Revelations "ears a song of Piece of Mind this one, written about religion, or about washin' your car, atswhatsitsabout a pair of curtains so its called REVELATIONS THIS ONE!