OK. At present, apparently, some information is sub-judice, and some is not; so considering how vehemently many of you have insulted Barry McKay, I want to put the record straight and get everyone reading from the same hymnbook.
I've been informed that Barry is representing two ex. members of Iron Maiden, absolutely free of charge, and will even cover any costs should they be awarded against them. Donations will be made to a Newcastle children's cancer charity out of any damages they receive rather than go to Barry.
History: While he was managing Lindisfarne, Barry recovered full ownership of all their, and Alan Hull's publishing rights from a dishonest publisher. It made Barry no money, but very happy.
He has made something of a crusade out of taking on the big guys (and winning); for example, he took on EMI on behalf of a musician one time, and not only was judgement in his favour, but it actually created positive new case law for recording artists. He is 100% pro. artists and was not happy having to go against Steve Harris, but intimidation simply strengthens his resolve. If Steve has his name on songs written, or co-written by others, then it is only a matter of time before the truth comes out.
OK, I know I am banging the drum for Barry (I am a drummer of course) but I was distressed by the vicious attacks on his character, simply because he won a legal battle against Rod Smallwood et al. It could just as easily have been (and probably has been) the other way round, with Rod protecting the rights of one of his clients; then, of course, he would be the conquering hero. Swings and roundabouts Folks.