Maiden England Tour 2012/2013!

I just got back from the Chicago show and wow... it was by far the greatest night of my life... even topped Somewhere Back In Time for me, which I thought nothing ever would.
Iron Maiden - Maiden England 2012/13 World Tour

Doctor Doctor/Intro
1. Moonchild
2. The Evil That Men Do
3. The Trooper
4. Infinite Dreams
5. Wasted Years
6. Can I Play With Madness
7. Die With Your Boots On
8. The Prisoner
9. The Number of the Beast
10. The Clairvoyant
11. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
12. Fear of the Dark
13. Iron Maiden
14. Caught Somewhere In Time
15. Sea of Madness
16. Hallowed Be Thy Name

Even though Bruce announced that 2/3 of the original setlist would be played, what's throwing me off is the possibility of Moonchild, Wasted Years, Can I Play With Madness, and The Clairvoyant... since these were all part of the SBIT 2008 setlist. Would they play them all again so soon? Anyways, that is my crack at possible setlist. I know the encore might be a little bit out there, but it's more of a wish than a reality. I would love to hear Caught Somewhere in Time live...

That's how it should be done!!!
Iron Maiden - Maiden England 2012/13 World Tour

Doctor Doctor/Intro
1. Moonchild
2. The Evil That Men Do
3. The Trooper
4. Infinite Dreams
5. Wasted Years
6. Can I Play With Madness
7. Die With Your Boots On
8. The Prisoner
9. The Number of the Beast
10. The Clairvoyant
11. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son
12. Fear of the Dark
13. Iron Maiden
14. Caught Somewhere In Time
15. Sea of Madness
16. Hallowed Be Thy Name

Even though Bruce announced that 2/3 of the original setlist would be played, what's throwing me off is the possibility of Moonchild, Wasted Years, Can I Play With Madness, and The Clairvoyant... since these were all part of the SBIT 2008 setlist. Would they play them all again so soon? Anyways, that is my crack at possible setlist. I know the encore might be a little bit out there, but it's more of a wish than a reality. I would love to hear Caught Somewhere in Time live...

That's how it should be done!!!
Run to the Hills didn't make that tour either did it? Thinking about it, a few other "old favourites" didn't make it, like 2 Minutes to Midnight or Wrathchild. I wouldn't really want to see any of those on a tour which has so much potential for surprise songs.

Infinite Dreams... man, I can't believe I'm finally gonna get the chance to see it live!

RTTH and 2MTM were encores on tht tour. Wrathchild was played on earlier dates, like Donington.

Sadly, no Imfinite Dreams in the current set. I'm gutted too!!!
I just got back from the Chicago show and wow... it was by far the greatest night of my life... even topped Somewhere Back In Time for me, which I thought nothing ever would.
I went to the Milwaukee (Summerfest) show and loved it so much (and was so disappointed that the Marcus Ampitheater couldn't accomodate the entire show) that I got the crazy idea to go to Chicago as well. I was not disappointed! I certainly can't wait to see them again. I half thought about going to Cadott, but the whole idea of a festival with "VIP lawnchair seating" and a whole slew of bands I couldn't care less about is less than appealing. Oh well!!!
I went to the Milwaukee (Summerfest) show and loved it so much (and was so disappointed that the Marcus Ampitheater couldn't accomodate the entire show) that I got the crazy idea to go to Chicago as well. I was not disappointed! I certainly can't wait to see them again. I half thought about going to Cadott, but the whole idea of a festival with "VIP lawnchair seating" and a whole slew of bands I couldn't care less about is less than appealing. Oh well!!!

Yeah, of the three times I've seen Maiden so far (2008, 2010, and now 2012, all in Chicago), this was by far the greatest concert I've seen.

I loved it so much, I am contemplating traveling to Indianapolis on the 19th for their concert there. It is the same distance as Chicago for me, just east instead of north. So I am checking out my budget for the next couple of weeks to see if I can afford another road trip so soon. If all goes well, I will be seeing Iron Maiden twice on the same tour (a first for me... but that's just how awesome this year's tour is!)
I loved it so much, I am contemplating traveling to Indianapolis on the 19th for their concert there. It is the same distance as Chicago for me, just east instead of north. So I am checking out my budget for the next couple of weeks to see if I can afford another road trip so soon. If all goes well, I will be seeing Iron Maiden twice on the same tour (a first for me... but that's just how awesome this year's tour is!)
I've never seen a band twice in the same tour. I felt as if I were off my rocker, especially with the two dates being right in a row (and the second date being at the World...err, I mean the First Midwest Bank Ampitheater...I truly despise that place). I have vowed to never see another Maiden show (as if they will return to Milwaukee anytime soon) at the Marcus Ampitheater, though. That place is a dump. I really wish they'd split the difference and just have one big show at Alpine Valley in East Troy. I guess bands got sick of getting sod thrown at them, as I haven't seen too many shows booked there in recent years.

I've got quite the Maiden hangover, though. It's almost depressing coming off such a high. I never was able to understand "following" bands (like the old Deadheads, etc.), but I guess that was because I never got to see something that I truly connected with. My personal goal is to someday see Maiden somewhere in South America --- from what I've seen, they've got the liveliest crowds. Here a lot of people seemed almost bored, which is a shame. If you can't appreciate what's gone into a Maiden show, well...I think you're more than a bit jaded. I'm a theatre and production nut, so I love analyzing how they are most likely doing things with their stage setup and seeing the "behind the scenes" stuff on the DVDs. I'd love to see an equipment cost breakdown since I'm sure it's quite high. I work at a theatrical supply house, so I was really hoping somebody would come in for SOMETHING for the IM tour, but I didn't notice anyone buying say, gallons of fog fluid or anything. The big production house in town that services Summerfest was likely involved with that, though. They sometimes get stuff from us, but it's rare. I would have gotten a cheap thrill from knowing the stuff I sold was used on stage with IM!!!
I agree: sometimes (YouTube footage) the crowds look pretty bored; particularly in the US & UK. (That Swedish crowd looked pretty into it on the Early Days Tour). I just don't understand all the standing with your phone nonsense. Where are all the nuts (like folks on this forum) at the gigs? When I saw Maiden in Glasgow (2011) some people looked genuinely unexcited --& yet forum folk here are talking about pissing themselves with excitement! Strange. I suppose some people are really enjoying it --they just aren't seventeen & jumping around like a crazy person...
I fucking caved! FUCK FUCK FUCK lol I avoided this site for the last few months not wanting to know the set list but now that my two shows are this weekend I couldn't handle it. Man this set list looks awesome I'll will be back with my two review on Sunday.
I agree: sometimes (YouTube footage) the crowds look pretty bored; particularly in the US & UK. (That Swedish crowd looked pretty into it on the Early Days Tour). I just don't understand all the standing with your phone nonsense. Where are all the nuts (like folks on this forum) at the gigs? When I saw Maiden in Glasgow (2011) some people looked genuinely unexcited --& yet forum folk here are talking about pissing themselves with excitement! Strange. I suppose some people are really enjoying it --they just aren't seventeen & jumping around like a crazy person...

At a maiden gig I've never seen anyone too 'bored' here in the UK, but I have always been in the general admission 'pit' area fairly close to the front. The one gig that ever struck me the most was Lordi, there was a guy who looked to be in his 40's, stood at the railing front and center.. with his arms folded looking at the floor the entire time. I don't get why he was even there.. no look of enjoyment at all.
My two friends and I seemed to be the only ones "into" it at the Chicago show (at least, in our section). Throughout most of the concert, everyone around us just kind of stood there and watched the concert. No headbanging, no nothing. All they gave were cheers in-between songs.

My friend commented to me during the second or third song that he wasn't going to do much because other people weren't, and I told him to ignore them and do whatever you want. We must have spent the whole concert fist-pumping, headbanging, and singing along to just about every song.

My biggest complaint was
people's lackluster attitude toward Seventh Son live. I mean, I had a blast through the entire 9-10 minute song, because not only is it one of my favorite songs ever, but it is also the first (and probably only) time I was to see it live. And it amazed me how no one was was acknowledging it, or something. It's almost as if they didn't know what they were witnessing (ie, not TRUE fans).

But yeah, it's also kind of sad when my friends and I are the only ones
who did the chanting during the intro/outro of Fear of the Dark. I noticed scattered people throughout the entire amphitheater were doing it, but not a single person in my section was doing it. Seriously?

I am from here in the US, and I am not afraid to say that audiences at concerts here are fairly bland. I know they are nothing like most European crowds, and not even close to the crazy South American crowds. In our (or well, my) defense though, I would not want to be at a concert with those South American crowds. From all the videos I've seen on DVD/youtube, that's just too crazy... I would not want to jump up and down the ENITRE duration of the concert. Also, I find it would be just about impossible to clearly hear the band, because EVERYONE would be singing along to every word of the show. I specifically remember an 'Aces High' video I saw from 2008/09 from somewhere in South America, and you couldn't hear Bruce at all over all the shouting of the lyrics from the people in the vicinity of the cameraman.

South Americans always mock us North Americans for bland crowds, well I think it is the complete opposite there, just way too ****ing crazy.
I am glad to be in the pit for my show! I'll be surrounded by true Maiden fans who will love to jump up and down, chant, and sing along. This will be a great first Maiden show for me! :)
I was in the pit for my show, and it wasn't as great a i'd hoped it'd be. I'm only 5'8", so unless I push my way to the barrior with my wife, which i'm not, then I don't see as much from the ground as I did in 2012 when I was just a few seat rows back. Still though...bad ass show!