Hey I'm not a Russophile
I only like the song 

I'm not a Russophile
More than Rime, though?Hey I'm not a RussophileI only like the song
No, it simply is the best song of all time.I like both, but cmon, Rime is a contender for greatest song of all time.
After Empire of the Clouds...No, it simply is the best song of all time.
And this is the person running our survivors? Oh ye gods! The horror!NP hates Rime. I remember in the old forum his +/- rate was down in the shitter because of his negative posts about Rime
(And Paschendale too)
I don't hate Rime or Paschendale, I'm pretty sure I gave them both 10's in the Commentary Forum (I have to redo that sometime though). I just think both are overhyped and overexposed hereNP hates Rime. I remember in the old forum his +/- rate was down in the shitter because of his negative posts about Rime
(And Paschendale too)
On a second thought, I think "The Prisoner" actually wins over "Man On the Edge". Which makes for a 7-4 win for an album I rank lower. Huh.6-5 NOTB. In this case, an album I rank higher (TXF) loses out to a lower one.
"Sign of the Cross", "Man On the Edge", "Look For the Truth", "Blood On the World's Hands" and "2 AM" from TXF. The rest is TNOTB.