Yeah, this one probably belongs in the better half of the album.I don't get how people dislike this song. I think it's spectacular. I love all those little twisty melodies and riffs Harris comes up with.
The more I listen to this song, the more I'm bummed that they settled for this as the chorus. The song would be really nice with a better one. I really love the outro (and the part that sounds like the outro before the first chorus), but really that chorus doesn't do it
I'm sad to say this is a song I will be skipping. Way too "X-Factorish" for me. That loooooonnnggg span of repetitive "Duh-duh-duh-duh-dum, duh-duh-duh-duh-dum" guitar strumming is not my cup of tea. Also some parts remind me of the bad parts of Tears of a Clown that I dont like.