You´re welcome! Yeah something like that.
the old Maiden forum held so many crazy stories actually.
my trip to Donington, May 31 2003:
there was a mate of mine living in Harlow near London - we never met before but just became friends via Maidenfansunited, he was a cool bloke, his real name was John, and on Maidenfansunited his name was Soundhouse. I was trying to get general info by the help of the forum on how I could get the easiest from London to Donington by public transport (a stupid idea as it turned out), and in the end he was so kind picking me up by car and we went together all the way north to Donington and had a great day.
the trip was exactly this:
getting up at home in Hannover, Germany, 4 a.m. to catch the early train to Hamburg airport to catch the early flight (9 a.m.) to London. meeting Soundhouse according to plan at Stansted airport 10:30 a.m. local time, crossing half England, arrival at Donington: about 4 pm. having a great day, met many other BBers from Maidenfansunited (were are you all today btw???), after Maiden closed their set: both searching Johns car for about two hours in darkness in the parking lot @ Donington. finally found it by 1 a.m., then again crossing half England, southward, got the early plane by 6 a.m. at Stansted back to Hamburg, there caught the noon train back home to Hannover, arrival by 2 pm at home - end of the trip.

me and Soundhouse/John met again at some Maiden festivals for a few pints later in 2005, for example in Bospop, it was always great fun. no idea were he is nowadays.
another crazy story was being on the road with my Swedish girlfriend in 2005: we got to know each other & later got together via Maidenfansunited actually. and we saw half Maidens Early Days tour of 2005, crossing Europe together in my old shitty car these days, saw them in Prague, in Leipzig, in Eindoven, in Dublin - were I even met the band - and a few other places. it was crazy and damn cool.

and it all was truly rocknroll I'd say.