'Til Tomorrow
Was it reported by CNN? They tend to spread fake news.

Was it reported by CNN? They tend to spread fake news.
So sexy!
I got a job.
Inspect stairwells.What are you going to do?
I got a job.
Congratulations, and may you never forget that old saying of our peoples;
"A job brought joy to no-one ever."
You could turn it around to be "arbeit macht nicht freude".Joy brought jobs to no-one ever.
I was expecting to get Rick Rolled but this was a pleasant surprise.During these crazy times, it's important to keep perspective. Here's a list of people you should never unfriend on Facebook:
I was expecting to get Rick Rolled but this was a pleasant surprise.
I was kind of confused as to how you knew some of the people on this list before it finally dawned on me that it's a list of My friends that I was looking at.During these crazy times, it's important to keep perspective. Here's a list of people you should never unfriend on Facebook: