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And to close the circle, Bavarians build cuckoo clocks. Hence, Bavarians, lunatics, eagles and Maiden.
And to close the circle, Bavarians build cuckoo clocks. Hence, Bavarians, lunatics, eagles and Maiden.

The one that goes "duh duh duh duh duh duh duh we are saints saints saints... in hell! hell hell"?
Yep, and the part from the singing stops before it, leading up to that.

Poor neighbours, I just added my own guitar playing to Beyond the Realms of Death. I think it sounded bloody good, I'm not sure those below me agree.
Well, this was me playing great music on my stereo, playing guitar along to it :p

The metalhead neighbour (located closest to my stereo ;)) has moved out. I helped him move a big cupboard back into his apartment yesterday. He and his GF were only renting there, now the apartment is being sold. I hope the buyers are also into heavy music, because I'm not gonna bloody stop playing it :D
It should be. Or, if the one selling is lucky, she can use it as an argument to boost the sales price. "The guy nextdoor has a great taste in music. And he's a decent guitarist, too".

PS: I just found that Priest are playing in Oslo this summer Yay!

... on a Tuesday. Gonna be late for work on Wednesday.