Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Got a really annoying multiplayer trophy in Burnout Paradise, I'm really excited.
Now, if I want the platinum, I have to buy the fucking camera.
I don't really wanna do that, but there is a chance I someday will buy it along the new wiimote rip-off, so maybe I should just go ahead.
Well That makes the line "Sex In 3D" In the song Pornograffitti by Extreme prophetic  :o One of the comments on that page intrested me. Did Porn really win the battle for VHS against BETA?
this is intresting. This is an Iron Maiden forum and the General Discussion and Madness forums are more popular than the Maiden Chat forum.
That's because Maiden doesn't have any activity going on right now, but when there's a new album being made or a tour going on, then the main, Maiden Chat section gets going pretty good.
Didn't wake up as planned to go get the check for this month and schedule shifts for next week, wonder how that will turn out for me.
Mega said:
Didn't wake up as planned to go get the check for this month and schedule shifts for next week, wonder how that will turn out for me.

As a friend of mine always says: "Everything works out for good and nice people..."
That doesn't apply to me then. lol.

Bought Heavy Rain online today, really cheap. I've been thinking about it for a while, and it's price got cut in half so I finally bought it.

Now I have an excuse to get a PS move like an idiot.
I had a banana today that was almost straight. Stuff that in your proverbial pipe and smoke it EU. :D
Wasted CLV said:
Wow, a straight banana? Pure madness...
Yeap. And as it failed to meet with EU regulations on how curved it should be, it tasted so much better. :D
Oh, I must have missed that-- I didn't know the EU regulated banana curvature.  ....I hope they don't regulate porn.  :halo:
EU has said that bananas have to be of a certain curvature - not too straight and not too curved. Or something like that. Just the sort of thing they need to do to get independent green grocers on their side. :ok:
Going to take a shower.

Also, one trophy away from platinum on Burnout. But alas, I have to get the PS camera for it, and it's forty bucks. Screw it, I'll find a way to get this without paying.
Albie said:
EU has said that bananas have to be of a certain curvature - not too straight and not too curved. Or something like that. Just the sort of thing they need to do to get independent green grocers on their side. :ok:

Funny, the porn industry said the same thing about penises... :innocent: