Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I was in a pub just now, wearing a Maiden shirt, as I do (this is an Iron Maiden fan forum, you should not be shocked), and as he left a guy at the neighbouring table spotted my shirt, and the exchange, for brevity's sake, was something like this:

Guy: See you at Waldbühne this year?
Me: Of course!
Guy: What song do you want them to play the most?
Me: Probably The Evil That Men Do
Guy: Cool choice! I stopped being a Maiden fan in 1987. I saw them at Waldbühne two years ago and they played this song I didn't know but everyone cheered at. I asked someone what it was and he looked at me weirdly and said it was called Fear of the Dark.

I'd like to point out that even one of my friends I was with, with whom I primarily share the interest of archaeology and who knows jack shit about heavy metal, smirked at that.
Good that he's back on board now though :)
Why would he think The Evil That Men Do was a good choice if he stopped being a fan in '87? :blink:
If he stopped being a fan "in 1987" then he didn't even stick around long enough to hear SSOASS. Maybe he did his homework after hearing FOTD and realising what he'd missed out on ...